Gold Making Tips

Wrong and wrong. I can and do make/sell 249s for those who ask me to, and I certainly do not have any markets cornered considering I have stiff competition.

Sounds unlikely tbh. Towards the start of the RWF? Sure, it’s believable, not now though. Either you’re exaggerating or leaving out some minor detail.

Been seeing 291s literally selling for 20-35k each even on high pop servers, I’m just not seeing how someone can make millions with such depressed prices.

The 249s seem to be selling for 10-15k last time I took a peek in there, at such low prices I imagine a lot of folks just “skip” them and pay 7-10k more for a 291 :joy:

As a quick side-note, I was casually farming Progenitor Essentia during first 2 weeks of RWFs and selling them for 35-45k gold each, I took a peek the AH the other day and they’ve crashed all the way down to sub-10k gold each… which makes your claim of millions of gold in the “current” market even less believable

No one is making “millions” off 249s with the currently depressed prices, X to doubt on that claim


What am I wrong about. Unless you have overall stats of how well these ranks sell for their supposed price set by said seller than we have nothing to talk about.

humanbeak is that person who says it takes them 5 minutes to get the ZM weekly done… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Lol, it’s more like 50 minutes…

No way you’re gonna fill out that “progress bar” from 0 to 100 in 5 minutes, it’s fairly slow progress now with how they nerfed it. About 1 hour per character is more realisitic

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Well you know what I mean :stuck_out_tongue:
There is a clear over exaggeration , kind of like when I talked with Hikons [gold maker in wow] and he’d downplay how many times he cancel scans or whatever. It gets annoying lol

That ZM weekly, boy even an hr for me is impossible :tired_face:

Legendaries are very time consuming. I spend hours DE’ing bracers and enchanting mats. You gotta cancel scan like a mad dog to get them to sell. All of this should factor into whether you want to get in or not.

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I shouldn’t have to keep reposting my TSM stats just to placate people like you. Go read my posts.

Nice but doesn’t really address my point. It’s nice you are getting sales and seemingly looks like they are in demand on your server but it’s still an awful investment for new gold makers… waste of gold 9 times outta 10… and there is an unknown factor of the general sales for OTHER people.

The gold needed for a big ??? question mark of a return on any given server is stupid to jump into unless you want to spare the gold you have.

Exactly, it’s not a magic recipe for gold making when each server is different, many times you have to cancel scan and/or invest the gold into it , potentially getting nothing in return.

And in other threads about this, I’ve stated that people should assess their markets to determine if they can make a profit. You can find those posts if you want, I’m not digging it up for you since you already have preconceived views of my posts :slight_smile:

I am on a high pop realm. If it doesn’t sell within 5 minutes then you gotta relist it. If people want to get in the Legendary market then they can. I can’t stop them but I advise against starting from point ZERO unless we get a rank 8 in Season 4 which is unlikely TBH.

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Just out of curiosity, I rolled a level 10 allied race on his server to take a peek just now…

Hmmmmmm, looks like the prices are still mega inflated on there. Maybe that’s what he meant by making gold off leggos? I suppose if you’re on a backwater/low pop server, you can “get away” with these prices :joy:

I guess the next question is, who actually plays on that server and is willing to pay such high prices? Yikes :scream:

On the high pop servers most of the 291s are currently going for 20-35k apiece (249s for like 10k), so I was scratching my head with his “millions” claim when prices are so low for the rest of us/people on active servers

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When mats are half the cost on high pop realms, is it any wonder legendaries can be cheaper?

Did you bother calculating the crafting costs or just look at the prices of the crafted items and go “yup they’re ripping people off?”

I suppose if bots bothered to roam around on our realm then mats could be dirt cheap too.

Millions, sure maybe, but do they look at actual profit and invested. Maybe I should transfer to their server if it looks this ez to sell this crap :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Every realm is has there pros and cons. Low pop generally has higher profit margins but with less people to sell too. High Pop has lower profit margin but you sell a lot more.

I prefer to sell more volume that’s why I am on a high pop realm.

I have a guildy who xferred a toon to a high pop realm and dumped their 190s and 210s, which apparently sold within seconds.

I had to destroy all 1200+ of mine.

Selling at a lower cost to a much broader market is a much safer bet IMO.

Tbh even this claim of yours is in question now, here are some of the current (as of this writing) mat prices straight from your Drenden server’s AH:

  • Progenitor Essentia - 2000 gold
  • Progenium Ore - 14.89 gold
  • Shadowghast Ingot - 141.90 gold
  • Heavy Callous Hide - 29.50 gold
  • Protogenic Pelt - 39 gold
  • Silken Protofiber - 21.53 gold
  • etc

Basically almost all the crafting mats look pretty cheap. I’m guessing it’s maybe 8-10k gold to upgrade a leggo to rank 7, based on these prices… but you’re selling yours for 199-250k apiece :joy:

“ripping people off” sounds about right based on these mat costs. As suspected, the 291 prices on the high pop/active realms (20-35k apiece) are more grounded/closer to reality versus the cost of the mats.

I know you’re known for big exaggerations/wild claims, but geez man… a price hike of 190-240k? My goodness :laughing:

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If you wanna focus on 1 item, make it something like flask of power. The demand is high enough that despite the cancel scan bot wars you can at least still redeem profit off some copies sold.

Did you focus on the leggos that are within the 30-50k price range? Or did you just pick the highest ones you could find?

I don’t set the market prices. The realm is heavy alliance. You know what happens when you try to post significantly lower? Your stuff just gets bought up and turned around for a profit.


I’ll tell you what. The next time you ask me for any helpful or useful advice, I won’t give you any since all I give you are “big exaggerations/wild claims”.