I believe WoW no longer needs healers

How about we don’t destroy the trinity this game has been based for 20 years?

Healerless games and MMOs exist, go play those if you want that style.


well for what it’s worth, I vehemently disagree and not so politely think the idea is garbage


ret paladins have survived high tyrannical keys on both hyrja and khadjin, the most healing intensive fights of mythic plus in season one and season two respectively.

that is how i back up my claim that healers aren’t needed for ret paladin survival, thus equality would dictate that all classes be given the same amount of self-sustain as a ret paladin, which would then, in turn, make healers redundant in WoW.

thanks for sharing, friend :slight_smile:

Sound like you got lost on the way to the bad idea factory. I’ve been a healer since the beginning of WoW. I rarely play multi-player games that don’t let me be a healer. It’s why I never got into the Battle Royal genre. This doesn’t sound remotely appealing to me at all.

I wager there are a whole lot of people that don’t find this appealing at all. The game has been out for nearly 20 years, are you really going to tell a huge faction of the steadily dwindling player base that they should get bent while you go ahead and delete their role from the game completely?

Imagine someone else posted that we should make the tank do massive dps but also take massive damage, this requiring 4 healers instead of one. That the five man make up should then be tank, healer, healer, healer, healer, and that dps are no long required because most dps are just zug zuggers. Would you be okay with this?


This times infinity squared.



tanks self-sustain, tanks would never need healers. so unfortunately that scenario would never exist, friend.

I believe WOW no longer needs tanks or healers. All mobs will just do incidental aoe, and random damage that people can self heal up.


I have spent quite a long time learning how to play my various dps classes. I do not want to then have to learn how to not only play a dps class but also be a self healer (though my mages wouldn’t mind at least one self heal, which is long overdue).

Added to that, piling extra abilities onto already fairly bloated spell lists would make play extremely complicated, unless you made the majority of them passives - and I’m not fond of excessive numbers of passive abilities, which complicate even more how a class plays and has to be balanced.

You know that for a fact, do you? Just saying that doesn’t make it true. Then, I suppose you could say it of anything in any game, then. I’ll make an equally silly claim: Let’s change the combat system to the one ESO uses, it would work perfectly fine in WoW. Now…just ask if everyone would enjoy that system? I’ll wait.

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Saying words is not backing up your claim.

Counter point.

Ret paladins die on high tyrannical keys on both hyrja and khadjin. And 0% have ever survived without a healer.

My words cancelled out yours. Since you have nothing to back it up, we are at a stalemate at best.


Tanks need healers in a raiding. And m+ regularly.


tell that to guardian druids and prot paladins and vengeance demon hunters who consistenly do more overall healing than healers in mythic plus

No they dont.


Because you run a +2, that doesn’t reflect what the game actually is.

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well maybe you could tell that to this healer who made a post about it

I did.

They were wrong or taking things out of context by playing trivial content.


i don’t see anyone making posts about how healers are happy they are doing more healing than tanks… is that because healers never do more healing than tanks?

Ooof, as somebody who loves Skyrim, i wouldn’t want that clunky combat in WoW anytime soon.

because that’s a post that you don’t need to make?

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Dude. I know its friday. But like.

Ease up on the partying. Get a big glass of water. Take an aspirin.

Gonna have a headache tomorrow from the hangover.


i don’t see any posts on the forums entitled “i am a healer who does more healing than a tank.”

have you seen any threads with a name similar to that?

it’s probably because tanks do more healing than healers.