I believe WoW no longer needs healers

i am also being very polite, thank you for your input, though :slight_smile:

My research skills are great.

The issue is that you made a claim. When asked to back up the claim, you stated you will not. That the person disagreeing with your claim needs to back it up for you.

Thats not how it works.

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.


good, glad to hear it, friend :slight_smile:
so you should have no trouble finding it for yourself

No youā€™re not.

Thereā€™s a difference between sounding polite but not actually being polite, and actually being polite. Youā€™re not actually being polite.


Amen. :point_up:


I will just assume you made everything up.

If you are unable to back up your claims, I have no reason to do it for you.

Now that we know you made everything up, I will circle back to our conversation.

Since zero dps classes have been shown they can survive in all high end content without a healer, I think we still need healers.


i certainly am being extraordinarily polite, my wonderful friend

well that certainly is your decision friend. the great thing about these forums is that everyone is allowed to have their own opinions.

So i applaud you exercising that freedom and choosing to discuss your opinions here.

unfortunately, your opinion is not correct, so i have to disagree with youā€¦ but that is okā€¦ sometimes people have disagreements but we can all know that we walk away from the conversation as better people for having heard the correct opinion from another party :slight_smile:

Turning all healers into support is a bold move, Cotton. Letā€™s see if it plays out.

Sounding polite doesnā€™t make you actually polite. Itā€™s in your actions and the things you actually say and mean. What youā€™re doing is no different from poking somebodyā€™s head repeatingly and going ā€œsorryā€ each time, while that person tells you to stop, repeatedly. A polite person wouldnā€™t even do that to begin with.

No, thatā€™s actually an objective fact. You havenā€™t sourced anything so youā€™re practically proving yourself that youā€™ve made everything up. And given youā€™ve dodged peopleā€™s questions or asking you to prove yourselves, youā€™ve pretty much invalided your own points here. Regardless if you sound ā€œniceā€.

Not every opinion is a good opinion.

Case the point, this thread of yours given how thereā€™s more people disagreeing with you then agreeing with you.

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i am very glad you shared your opinion here, today my friendā€¦ your contribution to this thread gives people a chance to look at both sides of the picture.

Fortunately for me, my side of the picture is correct and your opinion helps to support that.

this is a Bad Idea


Itā€™s an objective fact that more people disagreed with you then agreed with you. If not the simple fact your OP has less likes then comments, thatā€™s more comments here has more likes then you, or that more people agreed with them then you.

Subjectively disagreeing with that only makes your point weaker. Until you actually source your points or stop being disingenuous with your ideas and opinions, your opinion will only be bad. And itā€™s though your fault and yours alone.

Infact, youā€™re not exactly respecting other peopleā€™s opinions here now and just going ā€œWRONG!!ā€, but ā€œpolitelyā€. whichā€¦ only makes you sound pretty fake at this point that is underlying your opinions and disingenuous attitude here. :man_shrugging:

Itā€™s better to be correct and rude, then to be polite and wrong.


i would like to thank you for sharing your opinion, but unfortunately, your opinion is not correct here.

healers are an out-dated role and wow would be better off without them.

thank you for listening, friend :slight_smile:

Do just to confirmā€¦you have no evidence to support your claim?


you just keep repeating ā€œNO UR WRONG Iā€™M RIGHTā€
itā€™s quite funny


Your OP has 0 likes. The highest liked opinion here is Briselodyā€™s. The person who disagreed with your opinion. Itā€™s not an opinion lol.

Yet youā€™ve never objectively proven how outdated they are and only used subjective argumentsā€¦ soā€¦


iā€™m certainly glad you are enjoying yourself while reading this thread.

iā€™m happy that so many people agree that healers are an outdated role.

thanks again :slight_smile:

You know what else is funny? Him thinking being polite will get him anywhere. LOL.

He very politely has absolutely nothing to back up his claim.

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Fixed it for you. :laughing:

This, but š“Ÿš“øš“µš“²š“½š“®š“µš”‚ā€¦ :point_up: