I believe WoW no longer needs healers

you’re arguing with a person that claimed healers shouldn’t be rolling on beacon when it drops.

Before the Ret rework Blizz flat out said Ret was dying more than pretty much every other dps spec…


I havent seen any threads created saying “every single DK doesnt punch kittens in the face and throw rocks at puppies”

I guess the only conclusion is you punch kittens in the face and throw rocks at puppies.

Not cool, man.


Nice goalpost shifting. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal Polite.

YES! and blizzard fixed that issue by making ret completely self-reliant when it comes to survival…

since blizzard did that for ret, equality dictates that every class should have that power.

if every class can self-sustain like ret can after the rework, then healers are redundant!

thank you so much, friend :slight_smile:

no healers?

Please stop punching kittens.


I feel like this would cause duels, arena, and PvP to take forever. People can already heal plenty as it is and giving dps specs more healing and survivability would cause fights to draw into a stalemate.


arena matches already would fall into a stalemate with healers which is why we have dampening.

ranked matches would never be in that sort of scenario.

Yeah as somebody who played GW2 that employs this kind of system.

No thanks.

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And yet Blizzard doesn’t have 3x dps solo shuffle comp.

Is seen helping the Trolls in Dun Morough invading Dwarven camps

No Dar, thank you for making it easier to figure out where you fall under here. :point_down:

Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish

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that would be extremely unbalanced… imagine if one team had three rets and the other team had three hunters… the hunters would never have a chance of victory…

since not all classes can self-sustain, they have to put healers in solo shuffle to be fair to the classes that cant heal themselves.

pvp is imbalanced anyway. What am I going to do with two destro warlocks?

this would give the devs a chance to balance pvp with no healers…

thank you for your input though, friend :slight_smile:

PVP isn’t balanced even with healers.

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exactly! so once healers are removed from the game, then the devs can finally make it balanced

…Yeah, Op never played this game. I don’t think he even has a retail toon it seems.

I see Rets die all the time, I don’t know what gives you this impression they don’t need a healer.