I believe WoW no longer needs healers

Yeah pretty much. Many people have complained that introduction of augment evokers has ruined the group composition of dungeons, it now being 1/1/1/2.

Removing healers alleviates that problem completely

Nah, get out of here with that.


ā€¦. Where? Iā€™ve seen exactly zero threads about this.


how do i know this this is wow the dps care about numbers thats it
if one game makes it work then good that game nailed it. but the problem is that it can not work with wow. due to how the holy trinity is set up.


Well thank you so very much for your input, friend but my idea is fantastic and has been proven successful in many other MMOs.

hmmm. about lost ark there op
There really is only 2 ā€œhealingā€ type classes, Bard, and Pally . Bard has better ā€œmassiveā€ group healing but takes time to build up AND prevents you from providing your damage buff instead. Pally has a much smaller group heal still tied to a decent CD and an AoE heal with the signature that heals for a little bit

so lostark has healers lol

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Here I will link a few for you


There are many more but I didnā€™t want to spend all day creating links for all of them

Youā€™re asking for a role to be removed because you can neither get invited as the one you play nor play the one thats supposedly taking your slot. Epitome of git gud.

I also love that you canā€™t make an argument for yourself.

Links reasons as to why Aug should be removed.


Bard and pally are primarily support classes that have a couple of healing spells.

These two classes largely function in they same way as augmentation evoker would function under the new system with no healers:

The removal of healers from WoW really is the best way forward after the introduction of augmentation evoker.

Iā€™m still trying to figure out why yā€™all entertain this sockpuppet who does nothing but argue even when heā€™s wrong.


I noted that many threads have been created regarding players complaining about augment evokers.

A player then told me that they have never seen any of these threads:

So I took the liberty to enlighten this player by linking the threads this player claimed didnā€™t exist.

Thanks for your input though, friend :slight_smile:

Because my Discord friends are at work.

Not a lot better to do atm.


Oh that is very lovely to hear. You can help me brainstorm more ways to enliven WoW after healers are removed, my friend :slight_smile:

I said I hadnā€™t seen any, not that they didnā€™t exist. On one hand thank you for showing me threads that donā€™t support your assertion and on the other learn reading comprehension.

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jokeā€™s on you i am into that


Oh that is wonderful news, you agree with me that many, many threads regarding the problems created with augment evokers do exist!

Thanks very much, wonderful friend :slight_smile:

This is an interesting bait thread, though fake-nice trolls like you are among my least favorite.


I wonder how dead this forum would be if it wasnā€™t for the same 20 or so people constantly alt hopping to make the same post over and over and the same 20 or so people incessantly replying to said posts.


Iā€™m really glad you find this topic interesting, friend.

I truly do hope you enjoy your stay here. If you have any further questions regarding the benefits that will inevitably arise as a result of the removal of healers, please do not hesitate to ask me :slight_smile: