Is augmentation really fair?

Question for dps raiders, how does it feel when you’re looked over to receive augs buffs based on the class you play?, (context) I personally pushed my gear and class to become one of the top dpsing raiders in my guild, prior to the aug introduction I would regularly top the charts top 3 as an arms warrior because I put the work and the effort , after aug introduction I’m 5th sometimes 6th. To me it feels bad putting all that work in to be the best I can be and be competitive just to have the top 4 now dictated by who gets the buff and who doesn’t. I know I’m not the only one that feels this way. Personally it makes me not even want to raid anymore. And yes I know it’s a ego thing and I shouldn’t take it personally but it’s killing my drive to push myself to be better if the outcome will always be the same.


Sounds like you already have the solution. Time to work on yourself.

Progression raiding is about overcoming challenges as a group.

It ain’t about you, sport.


That would have a point if we were still progressing, in which case I wouldn’t say anything, but we are not progressing we are just farming content.


It doesn’t sound like you should be upset with augmentation, but rather how your raid group utilizes them. It is a team that you are part of after all, voice your concerns there if you feel overlooked.


if you were top 3 before you should ask why your not receiving the buffs


Because certain classes gain more benefit from the buff because of specific cds and dps uptime, and it doesn’t seem fair to other classes.


This 100%

You need to consider that this game has like a dev POV and different POV from players.

Devs design the game from a perspective that doesn’t match some of the playerbase, otherwise, DPS metters will be integrated in the game. Devs don’t block those but they don’t acknowledge those like a part of the game. Its similar with the controversy around Augmentation as a spec that’s changing how the game works for a lot of players with a mentality like yours.

Another example is M+, a lot of complaints in the forums are related to PUG groups, since the game mode was designed around premade groups.

well that is unfortunate

got two options

  1. continue playing warrior and have fun
  2. reroll to a class that would receive the buffs

Augmentation is the worst thing to happen to WoW since Shadowlands. The whole external buff meta isn’t fun. Being forced to run this dumb spec that does more damage than 95% of dps, heals as much as a tank, and has the utility of 2 classes put together.

This entire patch makes me not want to continue playing this game. The state of m+ is a complete joke. Devs really need to put their last few brain cells to work here.


I think this has been the rule for various buffs since since the beginning. For instance, I’m not 100% sure but I don’t think a DK gets a major perk from an intelligence buff.

It’s kinda fun that nobody cares about PI anymore lol


Kind of sucks to be a class with a 3m CD. You’re basically never “BiS” for PI or augment.

You get screwed over if there’s a burn phase in the first few minutes of a fight. Still bitter about Sludgefist and having to hold CDs while people got to blows theirs on pull.


I don’t even think it’s really that powerful in the end. Which kind of sucks even more because you get all these downsides and there’s not even an upside!

Unless you’re bear. Then blowing incarn makes you an unkillable god for 30 seconds.

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Augvoker is the new big bad. We ruined M+, the ecosystem, took people’s jobs and apparently now we’re destroying the will to play.


Delete your damage meter and play for the fun of it.


I’m pretty sure you guys made me fat too


If you are that serious about the charts and where you are on the meters can’t you just look at parses without Aug buffing others?


So you are upset you are not top dps on farm content? Seems like a you problem

Then who cares? If you’re just farming, it shouldn’t matter as long as the boss dies right?

Honestly, I think it’s unfair and I can (and, on these forums, frequently have) made arguments against that spec that aren’t “MUH EGO, MUH PARSES.”

Class balance got flushed down the toilet within the past three weeks and while the Bear/HPal/Mage reworks are not a small part of it whatsoever the elephant in the room beyond any shadow of a doubt is Augmentation. People were already pushing keys with Fire/Shadow (and Shadow on two occasions lost a small chunk of its AoE in favor of a bit more ST) and Bear and HPal were already good, but keys that were title-range keys the week before 10.1.5 are now easily puggable keys if you just bring the funny green buff bot.

And here’s the problem: damage profiles from the likes of Demonology, Unholy, and Fire (VERY frontloaded, VERY bursty) are augmented like crazy by Augmentation Evokers, which makes those already-strong specs head and shoulders better, which gives Augmentation more damage. If you nerf those specs because Aug exists, you’re trying to homogenize everything because you want Aug to remain unique. That’s bad design.

Like, the M+ Exodia comp is oppressive and Aug is the biggest reason why by a HUGE margin. Even a +20 (an extremely free key) is an easier key just by slapping the funny green buff class into it, and then that’s augmented further by bringing frontloaded specs like Fire into the group. The community hopped on that Aug train faster than we’ve ever seen before because it’s just an objectively broken, overcentralizing spec.