Yet, you want to pass off that bugs happen because people say so even though I took the time to prove that there was no bug. At least, in this Mechagnome person’s case.
Can learn flying at lvl 30 in any city with a flight trainer, master at 40.
To help the cost wear your factions tabard and after a certain bit of rep price will be reduced to 4 something k to open master
'Cause this (what Mechagnome person says is their “proof” to “unlocking” Mechagnomes):
Is not the same as this (what Kneeshooter showed as proof to them unlocking the Mechagnomes):
Kneeshooter is the only one to show proof of them actually showing they unlocked Mechagnomes. Unlike the Mechagnome person only showing proof that they’re eligible to unlock the Mechagnomes.
Kneeshooter’s screenshot is the only thing that matters if there really is a bug.
I just mentioned the word bug and it triggered you. I did not report it to Blizzard. So I don’t know why you are so pressed.
'Cause you’re perpetuating a lie without evidence. I correct you on it and now you want to call me “triggered”
I clearly said I agree with you on everything else but trying to pass off a lie (in this case an alleged bug) as truth. Are you for truth?
She trolling you, like me. Report for trolling an help the forums be a better place.
I’m not. You’re just mad 'cause you got called out.
I don’t need to have evidence because it’s not a court case. It wasn’t even the main point I was making. It’s really important to you. It’s non-consequential to me.
Go help those people figure out what they did wrong then, if you don’t think it’s a bug. And stop being so petty towards me.
It very much seems like it.
You no longer need to run the dungeons. You can drop the quest at the quest giver, click them again, and use the skip dialogue.
I will follow up later today when the FSRs are in and ask about this specifically. Use cases with documentation are always helpful.
If GMs are now reading forums and allowed to reach out to players without a player requesting it, and are allowed to change quests, that would be new info and interesting to know. This would change the advice given on the CS forum as well.
You’re spreading misinformation.
I did, but they called me a “troll” and are reporting me.
I haven’t. You have, though. Just don’t use “bug” when it’s not true, easy!
Disagreeing is not trolling.
makes note to finish unlocking junk gnome
Whenever, I begin to start unlocking Vulpera, I’mma have multiple toons tackle it, to see for myself where mishaps can happen. I just gotta level up a few more toons (I only have 1 Horde, atm). Vulpera has been next on my list, for awhile. I just got exhausted after unlocking Nightborne. That one took a lot out of me.
Pulling this one over into the CS Forum since it falls more into our jurisdiction.
It seems that the OP has been able to unlock the Highmountain Tauren, but please let me know if you have any additional issues there.
I wanted to cover the following, because it seemed unusual.
That isn’t generally how that works. While Game Masters do on occasion read the forums, just as any other player would, they are not usually able to reach out. Any contact with our Support staff comes from a ticket. Even if a GM somehow received an exception to reach out, they would have created a ticket and noted their presence.
I don’t see any such notes on your account, nor can I find a ticket. Can you tell me, when this contact happened and which character you were on at the time?
Which quest are you referring to? From what I can see, yes, you met the requirements to unlock the Mechagnome, and you even started the questline that invites them into the Alliance, but you hadn’t completed that questline yet.
In fact, looking at your Lilth character, you had the quest “The Current Schematic” in that characters quest log since September of last year. You recently complete that quest along with the rest of them to complete the process of allowing you to create Mechagnomes.
If anything else happened that runs contrary to what I’ve outlined, that I can verify, I’d be happy to.
It seems this was indeed the case.
Was everything done on a single alliance character?

looking at your Lilth character, you had the quest “The Current Schematic” in that characters quest log since September of last year. You recently complete that quest along with the rest of them to complete the process of allowing you to create Mechagnomes

It seems that the OP has been able to unlock the Highmountain Tauren, but please let me know if you have any additional issues there

Came back to see if the OP had finally unlocked his race yet
Awesome. I am happy it is sorted.
All I know is when I log on to Rijiku a pink (correction look at the screenshot it was blue) message popped up and told me she would help. That was early morning. I log off one and log on to my druid as told. what to gnome area and took quest pop up as instructed. She fixed that one. Then four others. Then jump into the portal and there it was unlocked. If the look above I posted it was completed and checkmark. Look at records it’s not hard.
No, I did not have an open ticket. I gave up because no one at this company knows what coding butterfly or ghosting is and figure just too lazy to look for its effects. They make excuses and say it not in our book.
As far as it appearing on Lilith you got me. I completed on my druid. So now what? Are you defending your employee? Who constantly trolling and again trolling here? It is very unprofessional. She even was allowed to post anther troll post. Must be great to get these kind of perks.
“but you hadn’t completed that questline yet.”
I completed that quest in 2020. If you had look at achievements.
“In fact, looking at your Lilth character, you had the quest “The Current Schematic” in that characters quest log since September of last year. You recently complete that quest along with the rest of them to complete the process of allowing you to create Mechagnomes.”
I completed all quests on her a long time ago. Now why you are lying I do not know or care. I have provided a screenshot showing it was done. Block me or punish me I do not care one bit. All I know is that you are lying and like your friend ignore screenshots.
As far as why person helps me. I do not know or care what her or his motive is or why they did not put notes in the log. It seems you have access and do not have an answer seems weird to me.

All I know is when I log on to Rijiku a pink message popped up and told me she would help. That was early morning.
With the Blizz Icon next to it?

Are you defending your employee? Who constantly trolling and again trolling here?
Are you referring to me as a Blizz employee? LOL

No, I did not have an open ticket. I gave up because no one at this company knows what coding butterfly or ghosting is and figure just too lazy to look for its effects. They make excuses and say it not in our book.
I wouldn’t respond to somebody like you, either. After I’ve seen the way you behaved, it’s no wonder it took you this long to get a response.

All I know is that you are lying and like your friend ignore screenshots.
Oh goodness, these accusations are wild.

As far as why person helps me. I do not know or care what her or his motive is or why they did not put notes in the log. It seems you have access and do not have an answer seems weird to me
Until there’s a confirmed Blizz Icon next to it, maybe a kind stranger just helped you out (which would be nice of them).