Other people are reporting bugs. So there is something going on. You not experiencing it last year doesn’t mean there isn’t. Maybe they just dropped a crumb. But when people are posting that they did all the unlock requirements and they are still locked on the selection screen, something is up.
Which is all beside my point that they should have just been unlocked from the start.
I’ve only seen the Mechagnome person talking about bugs with allied races and nobody else. Which is why somebody was trying to help them, but they just snapped at the person.
Or, people missing a step. Which, I’m assuming is the case.
IK that, but the only person to say an allied race being bugged is the Mechagnome person who can’t even provide me a screenshot of them actually unlocking it. They’re only showing me screenshots of stuff I didn’t ask for.
The only achievement that matters to actually proving that somebody unlocked a race, in this case the Mechagnomes, is the achievement “Allied Races: Mechagnomes”, which this person still has yet to provide.
Which doesn’t always mean a bug. I will consider it a bug, if the Mechagnome person can actually screenshot the achievement “Allied Race: Mechagnomes”. That is the only achievement that proves they’ve actually unlocked it. Nothing else matters.
I understand, I just want to figure out where this bug is by asking specific questions, which the Mechagnome person keeps dodging.
I did and replying to all of your posts is pointless. All three show what you asked for and yet refused to acknowledge that fact. Therefore, as I was told to just ignore her and let them handle I will. Cause if a check mark is not good enough I gave up.
Since someone at the company was reading this and actually fixed the bug. Mechagnome is now unlocked for me.
I did not ask for a screenshot of the banner, nor your quest achieves. I asked for the Reputation Achievement showing that you unlocked the race, like you said you did.
Good so now that achievement should be available to be screenshotted and provided then, right?
I dont know if anyone has mentioned it, but sometimes having incomplete quests of various kinds can block progression on certain questlines. Perhaps dumping quests that arent important might opening up something that cant be found.
Yes, I do believe I did list all that I have done. It turned out it was a bug in the game. Since I did all requirements before the fixing quest came into play. It was not showing up on my alliance Lilith. All I had to do is log on to different alliance characters and get the quest. Then complete it and this counted as completed and unlock. A very frustrating thing to say the least. It’s not for a nice lady I think I would have gone off.
If you have done everything and it has not unlocked. There is a quest that bugged. You have to use another alliance character to unlock the quest with the GM’s help. Otherwise, you will not unlock it. It has to be a different one than the one you were using.
yes, I did finally get it done thank you. The sad thing is you have to get a GM to give you the quest to fix the bug. This should not be a requirement, ever!
There are no GMs on General Discussion and they will never ever contact you based on a forum post. This is not even allowed. To get a GM you have to put in a ticket, so I assume you did that. Although, it would be odd for them be be answering tickets at 4 or 5 am, unless they are high priority.
The way the Allied Races work is difficult to navigate. If you start the unlock quest in SW on a diff character you won’t be able to do it on another. You can’t even unlock something else on another char until you finish the first one you started. Finding out which char has the quest and where you are in the line can be difficult.
Exactly what I was asking for, but I got accused of “trolling” and put on ignore.
If somebody claims to have unlocked the race, the achievement should look like what you just linked.
EDIT: And, I who don’t have it unlocked, looks like this - https://i.imgur.com/SppiuYP.png. Two completely different ways the achievement looks.
This is probably what happened which means it’s not a bug.
The Mechagnome person was in between the Banner portion of the Mechagnomes and actually getting the “Allied Races: Mechagnomes” achievement but couldn’t quite remember which toon they started it on.
I think you think it’s bugged. I think you don’t want to admit that you did the quest on a different toon than you thought you did it on. I think you want to make the alleged GM more powerful than they really are by insinuating as you logged onto the correct toon that did the quest, that the alleged GM electronically made the quest available on said toon that you logged onto but really you just happen to luck into the correct toon that happened to be on the quest.
But if you decide you wanna go ahead and do the dungeon and get it over with faster I do mother lode and mechagon runs when asked for free if I’m not busy so just btag me and hit me up. If I’m in a spot where I’m just flying around Zereth Mortis I will definitely run you through mechagon.
I don’t care enough to make a court case about it.
My two points are: they were always a pita.
They should have been on the screen from day one with no unlock.
I wish you luck on your investigation. But whether it’s a bug or mistake doesn’t matter to me. I have them unlocked. I just feel they should have never been locked. I don’t care what they name the races.
So they are still a pita before the bug or mistake. Happy now? Or are there anymore semantics you wanna nitpick?
I’ve yet to see any true bugs regarding allied races other than the Mechagnome person simply saying so. I’d be more on board with them had they showed me this (like Kneeshooter did):
And, the Mechagnome creation looks like mine (someone who doesn’t have it unlocked), I would absolutely call that a bug. But since that didn’t happen, I can only assume they didn’t do the proper steps to actually unlocking it, and them saying:
Not to be true. As they didn’t properly complete it until just now, allegedly. Still waiting for that screenshot.