So I spent 4 days questing trying to unlock Highmountain Tauren race and I just gained the “Ain’t no Mountain high” achievement and the level 45 requirement and already did the introduction of the Tauren race on the embassy and after defeating more monsters, Baine bloodhoof asked me to go back to Thunder bluff to speak to Maya Bloodhoof and when I confirmed the quest, that’s it… no more quest to follow?? So I went to embassy and talked to Ji Firepaw again and he still has this exclamation mark greyed out on his head. Why is this so hard and frustrating, ive been searching hours on google and youtube for a guide and all they say is “just unlock Aint No mountain high, get lvl 45 and do the introduction” I did everything and still didnt unlock it. It shouldnt be this hard
If not done so…go to wowhead, use its legion attunement tool.
It will show in gritty detail what is missed once you plug in the character.
Yeah ok I will try that. This game is so confusing as hell lol. Like 5 minutes ago I was told all over the internet that I could learn master flying lvl at 40 and Im already lvl 48 and still cant learn in. I’m guessing I need to be 50. Man if I dont do super deep research, I wouldnt have a clue since this games doesnt give guides much and tell much.
Most allied races have bugs. I have everything to unlock mecha gnomes. It is still locked. I have screenshot to prove it.
Maybe we need to finish a dungeon?
Yeah, I use wowhead as well. You can sync your character progress on that site as well, to track quest completion. It helps a LOT. I used that for BfA achievement progress, as it is just so needlessly convoluted, and often without breadcrumbs.
Not anymore. They changed it so that all allied races have a skip option from the quest giver to skip the dungeon. You may have to pick up and then drop the quest to get the option to show up? Don’t remember.
I did not do the research and found this out only after doing a LOT of dungeons solo for Kul Tiran. I could have saved myself a lot of time if I had known.
I agree with everyone else. Wowhead has a great quest line tool that will help you figure out where you are off. It has guides for everything else too.
Lol on some characters i cant even get to mechagon and i played during bfa.
Idk what breadcrumb i cancelled but i have to fly from kul tiras rofl
They should do a better job
Does that now apply to unlocking Mechagnomes? I did the Mechagon quests up to having to kill the king, but finding groups to do that was hard to do. That was a year and a bit ago, and I dropped it because of the dungeon requirement.
Yes! You don’t have to do the dungeon anymore. I did the skip about 3 months ago when I was on my mission to unlock all the allied races. That was all I had left as well.
Oooo! Awesome! Thank you. I’ll delete the last quest to see if it triggers the quest dialogue again, with the skip option.
Did you miss a quest? There’s a short questline to open that flightpath.
I got proof if you can not read that say unlock on a screen shot. It still locked.
Probably, i have to unlock the goblin boat to even get there and idk where i missed that. Its probably in nazjatar.
At this point its irrelevant as id inly take my main back for anything. Was slightly annoying in bfa tho
There were no dungeons for any of the horde races.
I have read some place that Chromie time can screw it up as well as the death entourage that hang out in Orgrimmar or Stormwind.
Try returning to normal time.
It was a pain to unlock Velfs too, especially if you ain’t did Legion before.
Did you do the introduction quest at the embassy? You may want to check on all your Alliance characters to see if one of them has it but never finished it. Keep in mind that while you can do the achievements to unlock on a Horde character you have to do the recruitment quest on a high enough leveled Alliance character.
Here is the quest chain if you want to see where you may have left off.
If you’re certain you did all of the quest line then I’d suggest making a post on the Customer Support forum. They will be able to see why it it hasn’t unlocked.
Hope any of this helps.
I have never even talked to that chromie. I leveled thru quests 1- 50. Not sure what is happening here! Completed Aint no mountain high achievement and did the Highmountain tauren quest but nothing happens. Ji Firepaw from embassy still has that greyed out exclamation Point on his head and it doesnt direct me to something. The only last quest that is open on the highmountain is the Nethalrion’s lair dungeon.
I know a lot of people wanted allied races easier to unlock but at the same time a lot of us have unlocked them all and some people have even done all their heritage armours now as well.
I don’t think Blizz has really done anything with allied races all of Shadowlands except maybe the dark iron dwarves heritage weapons and mount.
Unlocking Highmountain Tauren
The requirements for unlocking the Highmountain Tauren Allied Race are as follows:
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough Achievement: This requires completion of the Highmountain storyline, which should take a few hours to complete. Reference the Highmountain Overview and Leveling Path Guide if you need assistance with any quest.
Allied Races: Highmountain Tauren: You must then complete a special recruitment quest which demonstrates why the Highmountain Tauren have decided to join the Horde and expands a little more on the story from Spiritwalker Ebonhorn.
After completing these, you will have earned the Allied Races: Highmountain Tauren achievement, will receive
Highmountain Tabard and
Highmountain Thunderhoof, and can create your own Highmountain Tauren.
Not sure what achievement criteria you have left for this Allied Race? Simply go to the BFA attunement tracker, hit Load Character, enter in character info, and see what you still have to complete!
Highmountain Tauren Recruitment Scenario
Allied Races: Highmountain Tauren requires you to complete a short recruitment questline, available after you purchase Battle for Azeroth and complete the Achievement/Reputation requirements. You can pick it up in the Horde Embassy. The required quests are: