Hypocrisy of min maxers on covenants

Ha well I think we all got something out of this conversation

Where did Ralph go anyways? Me and him share some views so I kind of like the guy. Unless his views are fake?

I expect this whole chain will get flagged and deleted by some moderator sooner or later. But then it was mostly a toxic joy ride.

And dex my man I don’t think we will ever butt heads over game ideals anymore, I think we can put that one behind us

Unless you come after my pvp, I consider that flagging up in forums


Meh. we can butt heads just be civil yea? I mean what is a discussion without disagreement.

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I dunno

As far as I can tell he’s just enjoying the fact that the proposed systems will make people unhappy which I think is a bad take and we shouldn’t be pushing that

I’m not sure why he got bored of this one though

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He’s posting from a character that has no activity reported in Season 4 at all. I would generally rank him under the contrary position troller. Trying to get a rise just for his amusement. Some of what he isn’t bad. But a lot of it seemed like it was baiting.

Exactly what we will do my friend

Didn’t get enough rile from folks, that’s why

Maybe he went to bed. Idk what time it is for him. It’s like 3:00 AM here though.

It’s about 7:30 pm where he is from

The Dude should someday run for president election. Probably will win :stuck_out_tongue:

6AM here. Just the other side of dawn.

I think he’d be running a socialist platform, I don’t know how well that would blow over in the USA

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Some of us would support it. But not many people like the socialism thing socialism is a boogyman. I personally don’t see the issue with the idea of the proposed $2000 a month thing. Universal Basic Income if done right sounds like an idea that would only benefit everyone.

You do know all this does is create a bigger devide. Us mythic raiders and high key pushers will now have 4 chars of each class for each covenant and multiple conduits in our bag for soulbinds to swap in and out and if you don’t have all then you can’t come along. I look forward to reading the forums a few weeks after sl launches where all the casuals will complain we are gate keeping them from content due to insane grinds and the response will be well “we tried to warn you”

Mate if you say “free healthcare” someone is going to think you’re trying to undermine American and turn into a communist hell hole

Crazy stuff


Basicly. I personally believe in a universal right to live and prosper. I believe in a hand up. $2000 a month is the basic cost of the bare minum needs. Personally believe this system should replace all welfare systems. But the great thing is having that won’t hurt people that have jobs because they will get that to. That money is just to ensure you have housing, food, water. basic things needed to live. You would work for the luxury items or if you want to live in a bigger home fancier car ect. I support free health care, and free education. Colleges shouldn’t be something you go to to go in debt. They should be provided because the more people that go to college the better off the country will be.

But ya know…socialism.

Trick is paying for all that. But with more people going to college theoratically you will have people with better paying jobs. So some of that would be returned in Tax. Plus people will be able to search for better jobs because they have the money to survive on if their current job pays crap. It would probably even force business’s to offer better wages.

Looking this his posts someone posted earlier, I stumbled upon this guild app

Could this be the beginning of his tyrade against min maxing and elitism?


Um I do reply if there’s a serious post to reply to, people chatting with each other is not rly my bussiness since the subject isnt very related to what I am talking about

wut? Did you even check my profile O_o