Hypocrisy of min maxers on covenants

Even if there was, you would probably put them under your ignore list.

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Thats not true. I don’t think he’d ignore me. But we agree on a lot of thing…

You wouldn’t ignore me would you Ralph? :frowning:

There is lots of evidence to suggest a UBI could be really beneficial however finding somewhere to get it up and running and then finding implementing it would be a nightmare

I’d love to see it happen in my life time and see how it plays out

There’s a really good video on YouTube about it but I can’t remember which one it was

Already seen it and linked it on here somewhere awhile back. Doing my part to educate people on the idea lol.

I must admit that post made me laugh out loud

Also isnt FM ahead of Barth for most stuff?

Yeah, alliance on oceanic is way better for some reason, all the best guilds are on frost ally.

Weird little bubble we’ve created over here, completely separate from US servers horde meta.

Silvermoon seems dead to me… Unless alliance. I can’t confirm if it’s true but I know when playing there on my horde I feel alone, but popping on my alliance and I’m surrounded by people.

And you guys get to run around with that sweet sweet 30% WM bonus

You nerds made me turn of WM to complete the invasions

Been painful af hahaha

They really should make that something they can tune based on the server and have it update at real time. Seems silly to just be an alliance bonus.

Ooft you ain’t wrong

OCE alliance have got it made

Why would I, the only people I ignore are usually ones I spend enough time trying to explain something, I try to show different perspectives or examples but if they still dont get it then clearly there is no point even talking to them and I would waste my time ever getting into arguments as their beliefs are fundamentally impossible to change without months of effort(And im not getting paid for this).
So I ll ignore such people as well as homophobes/transphobes etc(Easy to find in any lgbt related thread) since I would never want to even dignify such people with a reply since as some UwU daddy Krogan scientist from mass effect 2 said:
"the best insult an enemy can suffer is to be ignored:

Though I dont small talk as much on the forums, especially now that I am replaying dragon age 2 again, feels so nice now that I have nothing to do other than wait for mythic night and weekly chest for upgrades.

Time to go for a heavy entropy build : D

I liked inquisition better.

I cannot enjoy it as much, Inquisition was great but my inability to refuse to do every single side quest and pick up every single elfroot and spamming the search key kills me.

Dragon age 2 feels a lot more fun, linear and something I can 100% complete without going crazy on minor irrelevant things.

Plus Anders is fun and cool.

Yes we get it, anyone that disagree with you gets ignored. xd
You’re doing us a favor.
You’re only penalyzing yourself.

And we can dance on your posts without you being able to defend yourself.
Which means other people just see how wrong you are since you don’t try to interact with other people. So close minded you refuse to discuss.

Every arguments end or start with an attack from Ralph. But he’s the victim… xd

Honestly ignoring people because you can’t change their minds is just a flawed logic. imho. Because most of these discussions boil down to a person core belief systems. Those things you will never be able to change. The best you can hope to do is that they become sympathetic and understand your own stand point while keeping their own.

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I think he might have put himself in a tricky spot where he’s got 8 people disagreeing with him now and can’t defend himself so we can pull apart what he says and can’t even reply to it

It’s like completely destroyed the feedback loop

Look at this post; it went from the topic, to people talking about the topic but everyone is ignored to a talk about mental health to what ever else

It’s like the topic wasn’t addressed at all

I blame myself for some of that… I have a bad habit of derailing threads =/ I can’t help it when something makes me think of something I talk about it.

Topic wasn’t going anywhere anyways, it couldn’t be kept on track because we had no train driver

I feel like it went to a better place than it could have anyways

I would say me and you was the driver. We have the most post counts lol.

I think it always depends on your approach.
Ralph is basicly going the preacher way, any one who disagree with him is an heretic that needs to be burned… xd