Hunters, Season of Disappointment

Don’t even begin to pretend it’s just me who thinks this way.

Melee Hunter has always been an extremely unpopular concept. It’s the butt of a joke that happens to get a bunch of cheerleaders on the forums with very little actual play. This isn’t just assumption. You can look at participation via warcraftlogs on both retail and SOD, as well as Raider IO on retail.

Blizzard themselves identified melee SV as an unpopular concept among Hunters. Just remember when you’re out there fanboying over it that if you’re arguing that it’s not unpopular among Hunters you’re being even more defensive of it than Blizzard themselves. At least stick to the argument that it’s not popular but still worth representing. We can have a sincere argument on that point. Arguing that it’s actually popular isn’t a serious position.

People also melee weaved in TBC. It doesn’t mean people are open to a melee playstyle. It means it’s a good way to achieve high parses. I’ve also seen high parses that don’t melee weave despite it being objectively more damage, in both TBC and SOD.

If melee ended up doing more damage than ranged it would probably just end up the same as retail, where Survival (the melee spec) is the highest damage of the 3 and has been for a while but it’s still the least played. It would take an enormous lead in damage for more people to play melee, at which point you’d probably have a lot of rightfully angry Hunters that the only ranged weapon based class in the game was turned into yet another physical melee.

Yes because it gets a lot of forum cheerleaders that like to talk it up but don’t actually engage with it. For example: you.

Oh, really?

It’s a very common talking point in Hunter discussions. I also linked to you a post that came long before the nerfs, in fact before SoD even released.

Most of their runes are active additions. I’ve had a lot of fun levelling one with Regeneration, Living Bomb, and Living Flame. It feels like a much advanced version of the classic class with a lot of new gameplay options. I don’t get that from Hunter.

Yes, you’re right. It’s not. I get a more fun experience out of literally any other iteration of the class. So I rerolled to mage; a ranged DPS they seem to be actually engaged enough in to innovate. Also the cool new thing is at least a new role and not just a handicapped boring version of the same class (lol melee Hunter).

I love when people are like gushing about paladins, that middle of the road dps spec even WITH all their runes, which got two instant attacks and exorcist.