Buff Hunters Please

Hunters aren’t whining for losing dps. We’re whing because we’re losing any semblance of a new form of gameplay. We’re back to cats + autoshot with the only additions of clicking an aura for kings and hitting KC on cooldown. Worse yet, you can go to MM and pretend to AoE with explosive shot (and forget to swap for boss and do literally no damage to it) or use Chimera shot until OOM and just autoshot again.

Melee hunters are interesting for AoE cleaving, but again back to subpar for single-target when compared to rogues/warriors/enh.

They need to give us SOMETHING new for BM so we have an actual skill ceiling to reach for that gets reflected on the meters. I want some method of micromanaging pets that lets me beat out the other hunters that don’t do it well. I don’t want to send pet, hit autoattack, and stand-still for the entire fight.