Hunters, Season of Disappointment

Imagine playing a hunter right now.

  • Least dps of all the physical attackers, despite being the only pure dps class
  • 5 Nerfs in less than 2 weeks
  • Back to the cat meta of 20 years
  • Serpent sting does 1 dps
  • Arcane shot does 1 dps
  • Multishot does 5 dps
  • All abilities scale off spell power still
  • Gains no benefit from Windfury
  • Pet survivability so bad now they’ll die in raids instantly again
  • No defensive CDS
  • Only offensive CD doesn’t even do anything meaningful anymore, it was nerfed
  • Can’t use traps in combat, not like it would matter they still do 2 dps
  • All runes are passives except for 2 which share the same item slot but were also nerfed by 75%
  • Lone Wolf is completely unusable because it’s a strict dps loss for the hunter and their party
  • Sniper Training has 0 up time due to 6 second requirement
  • Melee runes are bugged and don’t even synchronize at all
  • 99.9% of your damage comes from auto attacks
  • Constant nerfs without any buffs to compensate for the losses

Listen I know hunters ‘feel’ strong now, but it’s because the people here have absolutely no idea why that is. Hunters were always the best 19 twinks because the ranged hit table is much more generous than the melee / spell ones. No partial hits (glancing blows), lower miss rates, no parries. This means without gear a hunter performs better than other classes. As of right now hunters are at their peak of power, and they’re not even the best. Warriors still have the best parses, beating even the pre-nerf hunter rune and pet damage as they get more gear from BFD and start to come online. Casters, although they were suffering from resists in BFD, also gain a ton of new skills and scale well into the future. Right now, hunters have auto shot, pet auto attack, and pet auto skill. Once we hit 60 with these pet nerfs, we’ll just be back to auto attack and not even use the pet as it will be dead every fight.

I started this seasonal journey excited, and now I’m genuinely so disappointed I don’t know why I had any hope at all to begin with. In the interviews and posts before release you all were boldly stating that you wanted to empower classes other than warrior. Well right now the meta is back to stacking warriors. Great work guys, way to really mix it up.


Nerf after nerf, Hunters remained S-Tier, top DPS.

Listening to you cry about deserved nerfs is like listening to Bill Gates cry after he loses $100 at a hand of blackjack.


I’m just here to watch hunters continue crying about being dropped from by far the highest dps to only almost the highest dps :popcorn:


Main point is the class plays identical to era, the only difference is you have a lion aura on your character now


Think the point hes trying to make is that there just the same as classic just with a stronger pet which is boring while other classes have more fun abilitys.


It’s lonely at the top :sob:


His first bullet point is literally complaining that they’re “the least dps of all the physical attackers” (which isn’t true)


Yes, there isn’t much allure in spending/grinding 30g to purchase lone wolf to severely penalize your damage.


You didn’t even read my post. Hunters are only high on DPS when compared to other classes when everyone has bad gear due to ranged mechanics. As soon as the other classes started getting items, they have completely eclipsed hunters. Hunters are auto shot turrets and nothing more. It’s not fun to play. There’s nothing new to discover. With the way it stands there will be 0 raid slots at 60 for them.


Looking at the charts right now. At 95th percentile, dps rankings are rogue, and then hunter


I’m amazed that they haven’t at the VERY least reverted Explosive Shot and Chimera Shot nerfs by now. They’re clearly less than half the DPS of just doing fully AFK autoattack pet build, everyone knows it, there’s no debate about it, yet they remain worthless. Saw a geared Hunter Chimera Shot for like 170… healers literally have instant cast runes that deal more even if they have 0 spell dmg gear.

It has been hilarious soloing people with pets + Eyes of the Beast though. Later phases I do hope we get to be more ranged-focused though, especially since at level 60 raids pet DPS won’t be viable because every attack they do will be a glancing blow/miss/parry/dodge.


Top parses are warriors, rogues and ferals. The parses on there are for hunter are now old. Pets took a serious nerf today.


This would hold any water if the majority of Hunter logs were their actual skills, but right now well over 50% of Hunter damage is from the pet, which means this point is meaningless and bad-faith in nature.

as it will be dead every fight.

Plenty of good Hunters keep their pet alive every fight because they are not bad at the game.

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Sort by recent and warriors are above.


Ok. By a whole 0.5 score, what a tragedy

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And guess which classes scale? Yes the classes already ahead of hunters in P1


What does level 60 scaling have to do with phase 1?


Yes, 30% auto shot, 30% pet auto attack, 39% pet auto cast ability. Today 69% of the hunters numbers got decimated. None of the hunter’s abilities scale with gear and the new ones that do got 75% nerfs and are on the same item slot. Abilities are completely unusable because even with 100% uptime they do 1-2 dps each.

Hunters need a 50% dps buff just to be at par with warriors without runes.


Imagine playing a hunter right now.

Imagine making a post so full of disinfo.

Least dps of all the physical attackers, despite being the only pure dps class

Per warcraft logs Hunters are the #1 DPS over the last 2 weeks and 1 week at EVERY percentile except the very top 1%.

In the past 24 hrs of logs Hunters are TOP DPS up to the 95th percentile, from 95th to 99th is rogues, and warriors only #1 raid dps at the very top 1% of players.

IE your complaint is total BS. On the whole hunters are still the best raid DPS according to 95% of most recent parses.

Be quiet and sit down. Aptly named I must say too Phallous.


The top hunter’s log is from today at 192 dps. maybe the log is from late last night but hunters aren’t doing terribly in today’s logs.