Hr'ing gear

Stop making these stupid changes, and actually listen to the playerbase, and to common sense?

  1. Classic Era
  2. Retail
  3. Wrath “Classic”

Nope. I think both games are on their way out.

Since original vanilla.

If you have a problem with it, make your own group.

His group, his rules.

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Honestly what’s it matter? The people who need those HR’d items aren’t joining that group anyway. When people get excessive with HRing to the point where it’s laughable, just laugh at them in trade like everyone else and move on imo.

But if you’re HRing one item, i don’t see it as greedy trying to form a group out of people who don’t need the item you’re running the instance for

when i asked you about this…

you said

so can i assume that you want changes done to classic wotlk? yet you dislike the changes done by blizzard? i mean if you do agree that changes is needed then you should be aware that it’s imposbile to get the changes you exactly wants, not everyone will ever totally agree on same thing, look at the RDF issue, community is divided on decision if it’s good or bad, so ofc once blizzard touched the changes bottom, some changes will be loved by some people while some changes will be hated by some people, but if you wanted classic Wotlk to be exactly as original wotlk that’s another point.

i believe that many things done by blizzard in past 15years are done be cause some people demanded it, i can’t tell if it was a lot of players or not and i can’t tell that if it was the right thing to do or not, but the main question in wow history is does this game changes based on how players changes? or does player changes based on how the game changed?

from what i’ve seen since classic2019 release lead me to say that players are the reason why wow is dying, i do not deny that blizzard are not doing their work properly but still if i’ll blame i’ll blame blizz by 20% and the players by 80%

You can assume anything you would like, but that doesn’t mean you’re right.

No, I didn’t want changes to the game, in the slightest. I didn’t want changes with Classic or TBCC, either.

No, I don’t think the game is dying because of the changes - I think the game is dying because people are leaving, for whatever reason. It may be that some don’t like the changes and they’re leaving based on that, but I can’t say for sure, so I say it’s dying because people are quitting.

I absolutely hate them.

Most of this paragraph is invalid since I never wanted changes.

I did. You just assumed things and put words in my mouth.

The game doesn’t change based on how players change or we’d have RDF; we’d have personal loot, etc.

The players don’t change based on how the game changes because if they don’t like a game, they typically stop playing it.

The aspect of change comes from time or necessity. For example, in the earlier days of online gaming, it was incredibly uncommon for us to find trolls, gatekeeping, etc. But as technology evolved, and become more accessible to a wider audience, and bullying became like second nature in schools, you found more and more negative behaviour in online gaming.

Why are you blaming 80% on the players? Each and every player is doing what we’ve all been doing for 18 years, and yet, WoW was still successful.

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Don’t join the group.

You’re the type that likes someone else in charge though, aren’t you?

RDF wouldn’t work for raids… only dungeons… Wotlk never had LFR, so how is this even relevant?

You’re asking for a low tier/low difficulty retail system that allows casuals to finish the story with the trade off of being penalized by the lowest ilvl trash loot.

So you want LFR to be added to wrath with the best loot? Retail doesn’t reward you for LFR, why should classic? Get real man.

but speaking about wow, you can find that tons of changes in retail since 2010 till 2017 was done because of the players evolved, for example the personal loot came to end the ninja loot action by players, if there was never reports about ninja loot/reserve/selling items for years then personal loot would have never arrived, same with many changes toward balance where it’s all based on how players use/abuse things.

but meanwhile players adapt toward the changes done by the game, but i have to say that many did quit and this is why retail lose millions over the past 11years and classic lost tons over the past 2.5years

i still blame the players because it is the players who is doing what can destroy any mmorpg, blizzard can not change players attitude inside the game, also the way players play the game is not something blizzard can control, take the gdkp issue for example i go to discord see 2SR raids and 45 gdkp raids it means that almost everyone wants to simple obtain gear with gold, and when i check 3rd party sites to see millions of gold there being offered / sold it means that people are buying gold and that translate that people want to get end game gear with real cash, a game filled with rmt will always drive people away and will prevent newcomers, also guilds will not find players easily and most will find it better to be in gdkp instead of raiding with guild but ofc blizzard is banning rmt but if they decided to ban anyone involved in those trades then rip, we will lose maybe 80% of the current players playing wotlkc, am i over estimating the number? hell no and blizzard know this so they’re not banning them, some did not buy gold but the gold they earned in gdkp’s was gold bought from gold buying sites there fore the gold will be removed from them.

if we can put a list of why quitters if new or old players lost interest or motivation and why the game doesn’t attract new people we will find that many reasons will be because of the players and not because of blizzard, even the changes such as remove rdf from wotlkc was because of the players or else we would have never seen anyone defending the remove of rdf.

This had me cracking up, y’all carrying people??


41 parsing pally is gonna carry people.


Yeah, can u imagine a fresh 80 doing Naxx first week that is MS tank and went as ret open and now almost full t7 Tank.

Can’t imagine, your ilvl parse was even lower than your overall parse.

But that’s just your whole guild.

Y’all carrying people tho!


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I have HR’d pieces when we fill like 1 spot, and we need the gear to improve our raid. We can clear with 24, but willing to fill if they are okay with a piece going to someone.

If you’re putting the work to put together and lead the group, do whatever you think you can get away with while retaining players. It’s a microcosm of the free market in action. Too much greed will not satisfy demand. It’s a self-correcting problem.

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You make the run, you make the loot rules. Its as simple as that…

No one is stopping you or anyone else from making a run where nothing is reserved. If enough people are okay with running an EOE where surge needle ring is reserved then that is their choice.

I really hate commies man.

Also organizing a group is work. To sit here and say it’s not hard while you aren’t doing it, and have no intentions of doing it is hilarious.

Get bent, commies.

Forming a group means you set all the rules. Making it too strict will make it harder to recruit for.

If someone doesn’t like them they may leave. No one is forced to do anything.

This is how free markets work.

I agree it’s bullshi. Just cause you make a group, should not guarantee you anything. If it’s your guild and people think it’s fine then ok, but not a pug.

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That’s why it works.

This used to be done all the time back in the day. This is nothing new. It is generally understood that if a RL reserves gear, that is their payment for forming said group. Now if it’s gear you also want, you just don’t join.

It’s not a hard concept.


You wouldn’t need them now if you weren’t too lazy to learn the fights and lead your own groups. I’m sure this is just bad trolling, though.

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