Hr'ing gear

Been a thing for a very long time

Out of curiosity, why? 18 raid members is more than enough for a 10-man group to start into Ulduar.

Providing any form of an advantage to a player when they did not have it is a big thing.

I mean, people DO die.

No, you’re sounding like a child.

Well, I mean, people DO have the option to not join that run.

Realistically, why should I care about you?

I agree the game IS dying, but it’s not from people hard-reserving certain loot.

I never saw it in Vanilla, but I was a guild leader and raid leader for most. But coming back to classic and every single raid is hr, and usually the best piece that most ppl go for, i.e. DST.

I get where you’re coming from. I remember getting eviscerated over trying to hr the icc trunk for my war. Then I try classic and every one and their fkn mom are hr everything worth raiding for. Then the gems, etc too.

Just dont join plenty of people everyday do the same thing silently by only inviting certain classes. Need to give a 2h to a warrior dk or pally dont invite any others fromt he pugs looking to give a dude a dagger? no rogues etc etc

Had some clown on Eranikus advertising 25 man Naxx the other night with all KT loot hard rezzed and all of general mocked the hell out of 'em.

Lol after your statement I had a great laugh. I have been playing this game since 2006ish. There has been HR items for as long as I remember. While we do not do it often to say a guild or someone is greedy because of reservering an item is comical. If that guild resereves several items then yeah I can see that, but we are only HR the gun at the moment. I can tell you must be one of these newer generation that is probably offended by everything.

Bottom line, if I form a group and I hard reserve an item, you got 2 options.

  1. Join our run. Let me and my guildies carry you, which is often the case if we open it to strangers.

  2. Don’t join.

Community council ladies and gentlemen.

Riot mmo when.

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he said 18guild member and 7randoms, but anyway if they are 18guild member then they can split and do 2x 10man raids and they won’t be needing 25raid loot to clear 10man ulduar when it arrive, so pugging and reserving means nothing but selfish act where they take what they don’t even need.

must be desperate guild if they get people who can’t afford to have 6gold worth flask / food

people who die in this faceroll tier raid should quit this game for the better good for themselves and the other players.

even though people have option to not join H.R raids it means that Hard reserve raids is any good, H.R is still selfish action and it’s number one anti-social act in this game.

also if you think that you should not care about randoms i can’t blame you for this, most young people this days think that “why should i do this for free or do this for someone without getting paid” this is the ugly truth about this era we live in, the current gamer generation don’t even know anything about socializing or how to make friends, they only friend each other to use each other for the sake of advancing without having any value for friendship, and this is why you or some others can’t even realize that hard reserve items is anti social, selfish actions will never get you a long term friendship with anyone.

well…game is dying from multi direction, players not caring for eachother and being greedy and selfish is playing the main rule in game destruction, and i don’t need to mention that anyone who played wow at 2005~2009 know the fact that wow was super good game for only 1reason “the majority of community was so friendly more than never” i remember every random at og vanilla never took tip for enchanting my gear, i remember in tbc that i could chat with people in town and they use their time to go help me in something but nowadays people would consider that “why we waste our time for you random :D” funny but imposbile for people who never played original vanilla/tbc to understand what a good social game mean since this days everyone only care for what they gets at any cost.

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WHOA bucko slow down. If I rng risk the dk’s ww in military wing and die because evasion failed me, my LPC is broken by the time I get to KT, you leave my scrapbot out of this.

wrong, i’m never offended by anything and all i said is that hard reserve is selfish action because if you think you’re allowed to take items from others just because you made the group then you’re selfish even if you never realized that, also when you’re not playing fair by way or another it means you’re only trying to abuse the others…in the end that’s my opinion and u don’t need to agree on it, but good luck if you’re in such guild…you won’t even have any proper player joining.

and why do you think that you’ll be carrying the randoms? if you’re 18 and they are 7 that doesn’t seem you’re carrying them at all, infact you invited them because you needed them to be able to clear, if you’re good enough you would’ve cleared this faceroll raid just with 18 in the first place and tbh you’re all are part of clearing the raid so everyone practiced and you’re all considers team, u should not say u r carrying them and u should know that strangers can be friends / guild members so u need to treat them with respect, but i guess kids this days have no idea about the basics of socializing

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Here I see what your pronlem is. You are self entitled and think you deserve something. I do not think you understand the word selfish or use it very casual. No one “took” the item. 1st is not guaranteed to drop, 2nd it’s not their item until it’s in their bag.

What if we just not inviited other hunters, and if they try to join we say, sorry we are trying to get a gun for our hunter. He is full t7 and doesn’t neeed anything else but the gun. It would be selfish of us to bring you and let you have all the other hunter gear that drops and not allow you a chance at the gun.


So, just because they can’t fill a 25-man roster doesn’t mean they’re not ready for P2.

It’s not a case of desperation. Forgetfulness plays a major role.

And how do you think many players consider this content “faceroll” level of difficulty? Because we’ve already learned it and executed it. So, if someone is NEW, they don’t have that same advantage.

It’s number ONE? You’re screwing with me, right? Hahahaha -inhale- hahahahaha.

You’re assuming my age?

Seems they know about sentence structure and grammar than you do.

…what? I make friends because I enjoy hanging out, talking with them, etc. Kids on the playground make friends; people at work make friends with each other (not all the time, but it does happen) People of ALL ages make friends because they want that. People of ALL ages use other people - this has nothing to do with a specific generation or age-range.

It’s not anti-social; we’re still working together to complete the content. Loot distribution has zero relevance to socialization.

Hahahahahahaha -inhale - hahahaha…

No, my naive friend, BLIZZARD is the number one reason it’s dying.

Of course enchanters took tips, even in 2004.

This DID happen - however, this was also before the plethora of YouTube videos and websites literally dictating EVERY SINGLE aspect of EVERY SINGLE quest, dungeon, etc.

Vanilla was a great community - the question is, though, why?

We were all learning the game; we were all learning our classes and roles. If people had a strategy to down a boss (and they weren’t the competitive type) they would share it so others can down the boss, too.

This time of tutorial has long since passed.

So, I’m curious… what loot distribution system do you use that doesn’t favour one player over another? Even rolls do. “Why should they get something just because they rolled higher than me?”

You’re incredibly dense, and you should probably just stop… now.

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why so mad?
you said it yourself, you can avoid getting hunter if your hunter if you don’t want to give the hunter the chance to roll on his weapon, but then you decided to bring a hunter and take his chance to get his weapon then you’re pretending that it’s ok because you allowed him to take other items where it’s all his rights in the first place, this is the main issue you’re only looking this matter based on your foolish standards and selfish narrow mind and you can’t even comprehend anything beyond that, so please stfup and keep doing what you want to do and stay trash in game and irl :wink:

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Oh you poor thing. I understand reading is hard to comprehend. I will stop debating you now as I just feel sorry for you. I didn’t realize you were special. I just thought you were participation torphy generation.

it depend on how we can define ready for p2, if they want to clear raid day1 or within weeks or if they’re 10man guild so i’ll leave that point.

if they’re 25man guild and not even having 25raider by now then something is wrong.

some people can be new but the content is not new, putting effort can be done outside the game if they want to learn fights, watch video for raid or reading guides, there are tons of those online and can be found by google’ing

yup, not caring for others and being selfish is the worst thing anyone can do in term if being anti-social.

i don’t know your age but i generally call classic players kids because apparently most of classic players specially the people in forums never played original vanilla or tbc/wotlk therefore they are young to miss that awesome times.

sorry but English is my 4th language so it’s not good at all.

we’re all playing with each-other in this game but not being friendly or showing selfish action will drive away any chance of socializing

lol…why do you think “BLIZZARD is the number one reason it’s dying.”? look at this game 14years ago and now, it’s the same expansion "with minor changes’ BUT this game doesn’t even have 1/100 of the numbers who played it back then, why do you think so? i can tell you that any new player joining this game seeing people in dungeons needing loot for offspec when he/she needed for main spec, and people hard reserving items, people not willing to help any random for nothing, tanks/healer asking for gold to join you in dungeon, people ninja looting, and then gdkp’s where almost all server are filled with them, a game with those conditions would never attracted any new player and will drive away any friendly people, so player’s attitude are trash and you blame blizzard for it?

personal loot is the best loot system ever existed xD

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They can be a guild that is interested in completing 25-man content, with the universal acceptance that they need to pug a few members. This has been the case for MANY guilds since 2004.

Watching a video on YouTube or reading a guide won’t prepare a player completely for any part of the game. Especially when it’s not their guild that created the video, as many guilds have unique approaches to various things.

I’d wager that refusing to ever speak to another person would be the worst thing someone can do in terms of socialization.

That’s assuming someone’s age.

Wait… “most”…? Are you insane?

Again, how is hard-reserving an item selfish?

Because they’re literally the ones at the helm, making MAJOR changes that no one asked for, effectively causing people to live by the masses.

No, no, no, no… it’s not.

Because back in 2008, we had ONE game. In 2022, we have a minimum of three. Not to mention, people got bored.

Why do they deserve it over the other person? An item may be for someone’s MS, but they had to switch for the run.

Again, this doesn’t really cause people to leave.

…in terms of free of charge? Well, we can’t help people run dungeons anymore. That’s on Blizzard, not us.

Then just don’t bring them?

This has happened since Vanilla launched 18 years ago.

GDKPs ARE rampant, but there are other ways to create groups and complete content.

Again, ALL of those have been happening since Vanilla first launched 18 years ago, and you wanna know what? It grew SUBSTANTIALLY in popularity over the years.

No, just no.

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yeah I here ya. Being the GM and playing pally and reserving 1 wpn for one of our raiders who is techincally a stranger but does a lot for our guild. How selfish of me thinking of him.

you don’t have to believe that H.R item is selfish act, but you can ask random people about it to get feedback maybe you’ll come to an answer.

so you think that wotlkc is dying because it’s not exactly as original wotlk? without considering that the community is not the same?

lol what? back then there was a tons of awesome playstation3 games, but if we’re talking about mmo-rpg then we had alot of them but i’ll mention what i tried/played, everquest, knight online, Perfect World, Silkroad, Elsword, Warhammer Online.

Avoiding the question I see…

No, I think that Wrath “Classic” is dying because players are quitting in droves.

…how can you be this dense? I meant we had one game of WoW back then.

so what do you want blizzard to do?

after som end and dunno if they converted to our servers or was it the green era that merged…you think that retail is killing classic? xD