Hr'ing gear

When did this idea come start, that just because you’re forming the group you get to hard reserve BiS pieces of gear? I saw this one guy trying to reserves 3 melee bis pieces of gear from 25 EoE, how is this allowed? The sad part is people go to these raids too so it’s not like you can receive any backlash from Blizzard for HR’ing whatever you want. Plainly, it shouldn’t be allowed.


It’s only allowed if they clear the content. Just put them on ignore and move on.


Because they formed the group.

Why is that sad?


Rubbish. Of course it should be allowed.

You don’t like it? Vote with your feet – don’t join that group.


reward for taking the initiative to form a group i’d say


If you’re going for a piece of gear, and forming a group for it, it’s your prerogative to keep others who want that same piece out, and let them form their own groups.

If you don’t like people doing that, it’s your prerogative to form your own group and not do that! It’s that simple…

I sometimes laugh though when I see something like, “LF1M Healer… healing trinket reserved.” But, it’s still a valid strategy, imo.


Without RDF, they know that people will have no choice but to run dungeons through them; and people have a need to run dungeons so they can use their groups as leverage to get what they want out of it.

I had to concede on void crystals for the few heroics I got to do in BC.

Forming group =/= HR’ing bis pieces of loot especially not 3-4 pieces which is insane, and why is it sad? it’s sad because greed doesn’t get punished obviously.


You answered your own question.


Lol what? You think an activity that people are voluntarily engaging in that doesn’t negatively affect anyone else’s time should not be allowed? Are you okay? If you don’t want to go to a raid with items hard reserved there’s already a fix in game- don’t go to those raids lmao


Generally speaking, I think that HRing gear is lame. But I can’t imagine why you’re so upset over it when these runs will literally only work if everyone agrees to the terms.

If you dislike these types of raid leaders, you should simply avoid their raids. If enough people are put off by someone being too greedy about reserving gear, then the group will never find enough people to run the content.

This reminds me a lot of the debate on minimum wage. Taking a step back from the politics of the issue (like whether people should be paid more), as well as the specific country/state we’re talking about:

What low-level jobs pay is a matter of supply and demand. Each worker sells their time to a company for a certain amount of pay. The companies will, of course, pay as little as the workers will agree to. If enough people decided that this low level of pay wasn’t enough and chose not to work there, those companies would be forced to choose between paying more, or going out of business. This is literally why jobs that require education and honed skills pay a lot. It’s because the people who have the education and skills for the job are in low supply and therefore in extremely high demand.

Apply this logic to the situation with the raids. If you feel that you’re too valuable of a player to join a raid group where the leader is exploiting the leader role, then fair enough, avoid that group! Just don’t be too upset when other people don’t hold themselves to the same level because they think they’re less valuable, or because the rules don’t affect them negatively.


I’m all for RDF, but I’m going to disagree with you in this- I think it is more likely that in RDF you will see a lot more people rolling against you for their off specs.

This is how it was back in wrath, so speaking from experience.


But at least I would have a chance to roll on anything myself. I’d rather try for the roll and lose than not be able to roll at all because of a reserve.

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People on these forums are really delusional. You think you can just ban how people play the game because you don’t agree with it even though it breaks no rule and is completely in the players right to do so.

It’s simple. Don’t go, form your own and be the change you want to see. Crying that others adapt to you instead of you forming and running your own group is comical to say the least.

Their group, their rules. Your approval isn’t required



Lmao stop. Please. You act like you’re contractually obligated to attend HR raids. This is so silly and you’re making yourself look really silly


Why so aggressive? Are you a HR bandit too? [quote=“Slicy-grobbulus, post:14, topic:1398189, full:true”]
You think you can just ban how people play the game because you don’t agree with it even though it breaks no rule and is completely in the players right to do so.
Technically helping boost characters doesn’t break any rules but hurts the integrity of the game, just b/c it doesnt break any rules doesn’t mean it isn’t slimey or greedy? So, that isn’t really a good argument.

And why are you assuming I already don’t HR gear and form my own groups? Your assumptions are telling.

Muh tegrity lol

This isn’t a debate. It’s reality. When you make a group you can make your own rules. From there players can accept your rules and join you, or they can find your rules to be outlandish and the group will never form. It’s a self solving problems and this group of self righteous players that think every player action needs some form of divine intervention can kick rocks. You are under no obligation to join any group. So do or don’t but blizzard has never stopped this nor will they.


It’s the stupid people that keep promoting this behavior stop going to HARD RESERVED RAIDS. I swear people in this game that keep going to these raids don’t actually have a working brain. The HR posse are taking advantage of your stupidity STOP GOING TO THEM.


I never join HR runs.


I’m saying no RDF creates this kind of culture. It’s why we accept the invites anyways, when it’s all we see being thrown out there.

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