Hr'ing gear

TLDR players are lazy and entitled. Forming groups is easy but they don’t want to do it, etc etc etc

This is not a new concept people have been doing it forever.

Reserving gear is no different to doing a VoA class run. It’s just stacking the raid with people that don’t need that loot.

It’s just another way of saying “Full on dks, warriors and rogues”

If I form a dungeon am I going to stack every class that is going to roll on my gear? No, that’s just plain stupid. Same concept larger scale.

Ofcourse they would if I am a priest what the hell do I care about melee gear for, get me in fam.

Join a different group or make your own. Every person who goes knows the loot rules going in.

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Sweatlords being sweatlords lol.

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My rebuttal is that you are very ignorant.

Plainly find another group. Problem solved.

Their group, their rules.

Or you’re lazy and entitled.

LF1M 10manEoE SNR is HR’d!

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If we had started with Lich King right off the bat and skipped vanilla and BC, I’d be more tolerant of this classic Andy environment.

The fact that you dragged me through classic and BC only to rearrange the Lich King environment to suit your classic andy needs is infuriating.

andy this andy that… have you ever even watched ice poseidon or do you just like to use buzz words? probably also use the term “based” but dont even know Lil B

Bro you sound like a little kid complaining that something isn’t fair… Get a grip. If you don’t like HR items in raids, either don’t HR anything and make your own raid or… make your own raid. Crybaby behavior fr

This lady wins the prize for most cringe in one thread

This has literally been going on for decades lol.

They’re not just buzz words. They also describe the demographics I refer to in my arguments. I could simply use “classic”, but that word has been hijacked by ppl like you and left ambiguous so as to fit whatever narrative when it suits you.

Now you wanna talk crybaby? Try this on for size.

“Hey, can I get RDF so I can avoid HRing groups and not have to deal with forming my own groups?”

“WHaaH, WHaaH, NO. You have to form groups our way because we do so, and you should have too also. WhaaH, WhaaH.” :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

You’re the worst kinda person breh.

Yeah, but who asked?

why start off with an assumption right off the bat? How do you know im not already doing those things? That doesnt make for a vey convincing argument, but you can rationalize it however you please, doesnt make it any less sleazy/greedy. shrug

Typing a whole paragraph out complaining about someones complaint while simultaneoulsy coming off as some butthurt Karen because i called out your precious HR’ing, big brain moment.

How is this a hard concept for people to understand honestly people are like you were just crying like a baby you are presented with a choice you can either join the raid or not by joining the raid you consent to the rules that were set forth by the leader, it’s not complicated, and if this is complicated to you and you are an adult I feel extremely bad for you.

If anything you should be complaining about gdkp, those are should not allow the sale of gear for gold, when most of the gold is traced back to real money transactions anyway and they know that.

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