the option isn’t there
the option isn’t there
Trolling would generally be the expected report, I reckon. But reporting them for spam or inappropriate language will nip them just the same, if they’re applicable.
Is there any place I can open a ticket? As this person has been harassing/targeting me specifically and harmed my thread.
I’m afraid not, game masters don’t have much of any jurisdiction on anything forums-related.
The forums have their own moderation team/s, which the flag icon at the bottom of a post will generate a report for them to investigate.
have a nice day thanks for helping
If you post on the forums, anyone can reply to the thread, or to your posts. You can’t stop them and it is not against the rules. They also do not have to agree with you. They can post in any thread you make if they want.
What they CAN’T do is use profanity, insults/slurs, instigate and pick fights (trolling), make personal attacks (trolling), etc.
What you can do:
For the record, posting topics just to upset the forums and cause outrage, using AI text generators, etc - tends to not go well.
Or sockpupeting which is frowned upon.
seems they are allowed to do so freely and flag posts
We can flag u as example no offense all day ex. But unless its actualy violating any rules nothing will be done.
ah so its just a method to hide posts temporarily? isn’t that abuse?
takes 3 to 5 flag to temp hide a post till a mod can take a look.
Anyone can report a post, and a post can still be read.
noted, thanks for clarifying, I thought a mod was hiding my post
The hidding a post is automated any removal and punishment is handled by a real person. KInda like the squelch system.
Keep in mind that disagreeing with you is not against the rules. Asking you to actually answer a specific question is not against the rules. Asking you to support your own points is not against the rules. If you don’t want to see what someone says, use the tools you have. Which is Ignore.
Flagging a post someone thinks is against the rules is also not “abuse”. Not unless they are using multiple forum accounts to do it. In that case yes, a Moderator would take action.
I would wager a fair number of people in that thread feel you are concern trolling, beating a dead horse, and using AI to do it which does not go over well.
Use IGNORE if you don’t want to see someone’s posts. You can not banish them from the thread because you don’t want to to answer the questions they are asking you about your topic.
I think this kind of sums it up.
Abuse of the reporting system within the forums would be using alts to report a post. Being wrong when reporting a post isn’t abuse, and Blizzard would never punish anyone for being wrong if they report a post due to it could discourage players from doing the right thing in helping keep the community clean.
As mentioned by Vrakthris in another thread a while ago.
Now, if you feel someone is violating the Forum Code of Conduct, report the post, and don’t engage. If you have to, you can also place the user on ignore so it hides there post so you don’t have to engage as well in future.
Keep in mind, disagreements are not against the Forum Code of Conduct, and someone posting in your thread is not against the Forum Code of Conduct either.
It’s not. This is a copy/paste of the other day when someone was claiming to be getting bullied.
Post in question.
That’s essentially what is happening. We are going to have to wait until tomorrow for a blue to lock both of these down unfortunately.
Should also be noted that the person also appears to have alt hopped and or possibly hopped bnets to purposefully circumvent ignores and to cause unrest.
Sock puppeting if you will.
So what happens when posters clearly violate the rules by using profanity and insults, but there aren’t enough flags to get it flagged?
I mean I don’t even want to quote it. I’ll quote myself, all of which is in that thread.
I’d def flag those Sôsari.
Edit: And I did, some of that was very inappropriate. But look, there was a lot of back and forth there too. Gotta be careful with letting troll derail ya.