How to raise Conduits to 278 if I do not raid?

Still wrong!

And repeating your flawed opinion is not going to make it correct.

Here, let me help. Pay special attention to no. 2:

Casual (adjective)

  1. happening by chance; fortuitous: a casual meeting.
  2. without definite or serious intention; careless or offhand; passing: a casual remark.
  3. seeming or tending to be indifferent to what is happening; apathetic; unconcerned: a casual, nonchalant air.
  4. without emotional intimacy or commitment:without definite or serious intention; careless or offhand;


See, nothing there about a time limit.

Could one say this is a casual discussion about the very definition of what it means to be a casual gamer?

Casually, of course.

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Yeah i would not say anyone who play video game 8 hours a day casual either.

People in this forum seems to think it’s super normal and everyone does it.

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Disagree, I define casual based on difficulty of content. Mythic raiders, high end rated pvpers, mythic+ high keys. These would not be casual.

Your second measure (time) is too ambiguous and too far of a sliding scale.

If someone spends 3 hours a week or 15hrs doing WQ’s I’d throw them under casual.

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No it doesn’t. Bis conduits from completing 10s? You’re joking right?

And you would be wrong. Casual players raid mythic and get ce.

Casual players play high end mplus and pvp.

Casual doesn’t define skill level. It’s only a metric of time played

Is the gain in effectiveness really that great ??

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For some it is a choice, not an indication of skill.

Joking? Not even what I said.

265 at 10’s, 278 at 15’s.

There’s less than a couple thousand ferals in the world that completed more than a handful of 20’s in season 2.

Last tier the almighty “BiS” Conduit dropped from research gained form daily quests and clicking on chests.

8 hours a day for any hobby would be considered pretty serious.

If your friend said he’s a pretty casual golfer, only plays 8 hours a day and posts on golf forums online when not playing would your first thought be “man he’s a pretty casual golfer?”


Did you consider the possibility that you’re describing a result of nobody playing a spec?

More importantly: Why? 3% cdr in a single ability won’t make a change unless you’re pushing the hardest content.

Why not focus on the fact that the Conduit LEVEL is largely useless.

The Conduit-ITSELF matters. But what LEVEL it is at only looks important on paper.

I recall the theory-crafters in class Discords running the numbers on having full i200 Conduits and full i226 Conduits… and the difference was LESS than 1%.

It doesn’t look like that on paper. But what the spreadsheet says doesn’t matter-- only what happens IN THE GAME matters.

And Conduit iLevel? Largely a ruse.

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Exactly this. It would make more sense if +20s gave you an account bound version to give all of your alts 278 conduits.

15s are going to be a joke very soon

So your argument is the best gear is only for people that play the popular “in” specs? It’s really just a popularity contest?

And have you ever considered that people don’t play it because it inherently performs poorly and they want the easy path.

And word on the street is it’s looking even worse this tier.

That really depends on the spec. Right now just one of them is a 12% bonus to FB which is a third of my typical damage.

It’s not about skill level, it’s about the intensity of the activity as well as the time metric.

I’m a hardcore-casual.

Those are what I call try-hards. They do everything a mythic raider would do, but can’t achieve it.

And like I just said… I know it SAYS that.

But people tested it, and the numbers IN COMBAT didn’t turn out like that. It’s lying to you.

If you do a test and come out “x” percent higher, then that’s fine. But don’t just look at the verbiage on the screen and take it as holy writ. ALL THAT MATTERS is what happens in combat.

If they do nothing why all the push back? If they do nothing why the gate keeping? If they do nothing why even care? Hand them out for pet battles if they do nothing. As much as people want to make this a “if you don’t do end game content why do you need the gear” argument, it’s not. Not arguing that they shouldn’t drop from endgame content.

“people tested”

The wrong conduits severely effect my performance so they definitely do something.