How to raise Conduits to 278 if I do not raid?

No. I’m saying it makes more sense that there are fewer people doing 20s on a spec that is 1/5 to 1/6 the popularity of other specs.

If you think that specs bringing overall damage is what makes them good or not in M+, you’re hopeless.

Feral will always be lower down on M+ overall meters, because (in its current form) it’s a single target specialist with low AoE. Destruction and Affliction warlock is a big AoE specialist, with low single target. Using raid as a source of ST data (since there isn’t really one for M+), FERAL IS CONSISTENTLY UPPER MIDDLE OR TOP TIER ST

You dont need 278 if you do not raid.

That’s my point.

Putting the rewards at 20’s instead of 15’s effectively locks out entire specs and the vast majority of the player base.

The game needs to be encouraging more players to do 10’s, 15’s, normal raids, heroic raids, and mythic raids. Putting the gear that the vast majority of the players will need to be doing that content in after they get there wont help with that. It will just get in the way of more players taking part.

Hahahahaha no.

You do realize it’s because boomkin is just better in all faucets of mplus?

Like that’s not even a valid point.

It locks out a portion of the player base, not because of their spec, but because of a lack of skill/desire to improve. Your point about a spec lockout is diminished by the fact that every spec in the game timed multiple 26s last tier. It’s still early in the tier, and people are still gearing up and raiding, so the real M+ pushing won’t happen for a while.

To be really pragmatic here, we are 260ilvl and already can knock out 15/17’s with ease.

We still don’t have double lego, most of us still don’t have complete tier sets, not even 2p, and none of us are anywhere near ilvl cap.

Just how in Season 2 18+ were an equivalent to 15’s, this season 20’s will be an equivalent to S2 15’s. Maybe 18’s.

However, if someone joins later, like mid patch, yeah, it will be harder for them. But that’s always been the case. Just really comes down to whether or not you’re pushing keys, learning mechanics and pulling your weight.

People who worry about ilvl and performance so much are not really casual as they claim to be. A true casual would worry so much about that.

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/shrug last patch they literally just had 252 to farm. Why eliminate yet another thing to farm for? Apparently this expansion had a little too much to do on patch releases. /s

Casuals push high end content as well so that’s extremely false.

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But look who’s pushing back. People that do no research, and largely don’t even NEED improved Conduits because all they’re going to do for the next 8 months if LFR.

Tier matters, not stupid Conduits. RWF was upwards of TWO MILLION gold for Tier pieces.

Remind us… did you even hear mention of ANYTHING offered for Conduit upgrades??? (meh… bad example bc you can’t trade Conduits. But still, there’s was never a focus on “we need to do more splits to get CONDUITS.” No one ever said that)

It’s ok… you can say it. We know…

The other reason is that conduit drops got buffed this patch. Conduits seem to be guaranteed drop from keys, and they allowed 265s to drop from 15s.

You’re missing the point.

The entire RWF is documented. The lengths they go to is “part of the charm.” All the money they spend on PvP carries. For splits. For this, for that.

EVERYTHING they’re working on is part of the discussion.

Have you EVER ONCE heard them talk about working on getting Conduits??? ONE TIME?

Even if they were 100% drop from WQs… it would still be talked about-- it’s part of the process.

Hey maybe I just missed it. But I know I have never heard it mentioned. Not one time.

The real reason why they never talk about it is how small of an upgrade it is.

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That … has… been what I’ve been saying all along…

I generally define casual as less than 14 hours per day

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I never said it wasn’t. I simply gave a secondary reason to go with the primary, which you provided.

I define casual as the level of content you enjoy, not necessarily how much time you can put into the game.

I consider RP, exploration, raiding in social guilds that don’t have set schedules, and collections to be a “casual activities”

I think climbing ladders for rank in PvP or M+, mythic raiders and completionists to be more of the powergaming crowd.

not sure where i fall, because I enjoy all of the above…but i hate labels anyway

oh and i think min/maxing is something players of all calibers do. i would wager that most people care about seeing increases in their player’s power, hence why they are playing an mmo. Sometimes i see comments in certain discussions like: “you don’t need the extra stats on (insert) weapon/legendary/armor since it doesn’t make a difference for the level of content you’re running” … :roll_eyes:



I had thought this as well. Carrot on a stick.

The problem I see with this change, and that I have seen since I first heard about it, is that it’s a change. In 9.0, anyone could grind out all 226 conduits with enough time and effort, even if they never Mythic raided. In 9.1, anyone could grind out all 252 conduits with enough time and effort, even if they never Mythic raided. Now, there is no other avenue to get the max ilvl conduits if you just plain aren’t good enough to time ALL of the M+ at 20 or higher, or get CE, or get Elite.

Last season, I had all conduits at 252 due to grinding out Korthia. I timed a lone +20 (Plaguefall, Tyrannical) with a number of 19s and some other 20s that were over time but close. If I’d had more time and energy to devote to WoW, perhaps a bit more determination, I could have timed all 20s and gotten all the KSH achievements. Guess what? Part of why I could do that was having all 252 conduits. Now I can’t get the 278s to help me deal with the increase in difficulty of the new season. Why is that fair? Why the change?

I gain less than 1% of throughput going from 252 to 278 conduits.

You guys will be just fine without them.