How to raise Conduits to 278 if I do not raid?

So I am doing 15s and notice they only go to 265 is that the cap?

No you need to do +20s

EW thanks for answering though.

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You can also do 22s over time and get the required score as well if it helps at all.


Is that the source now +15’s for 265, +20’s for 278?

And mythic raids?

So instead of insane casual grinds for stygia and research, just put them out of reach of casuals?

Who am I kidding. They’ll hand them out like candy in the x.x.5 "We hear you™ " patch.

They seem to be in bizarre “Fixing the door after the cows come home” mood with handing out the gear you need to progress after you progress.


Casual just means that you don’t play much, and there are plenty of people who do +20s, get glad, get ce, etc, who only play for a few hours a week.

People who do low-mid tier content shouldn’t be stressing about getting max ilev conduits.


I haven’t played more than 10 hours a week since WoD, and I manage to do all of those almost every patch.

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Casual has 2 meanings.

Casual (Playstyle) - Solo, World Content, LFR, etc.
Casual (Time Based) - Only can play a few hours a week.

There’s no term for them other than that, so both are referred to as Casual.


If you play 8 hours a day doing world content you’re not casual. Any activity IRL that you do regularly for hours to the point that you care about the result and reward would make you not a casual.


Yes, we are still casual.

We do not do end-game activities, that means we casually play the game.

Again. There are TWO TYPES OF CASUAL. One is casual the playstyle, and one is casual, that’s based on how often you play.


I agree. I regularly play 5 hours a day on most days in the week but never set foot in M+ or raids past LFR and I consider myself casual. As far as Im concerned there have always been 2 version of gameplay, hardcore and casual. The first is for those who do regular higher and more difficult levels of content, almost always in groups. The second is frequently solo play, or play with a couple/few friends doing things for achievements, gold, lower level small group play, etc.


i would call that the serious casual or the dedicated casual. simply to help specify the focus. :thinking:

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Or you could just call yourself a “Solo” or “World Content” player to prevent confusion with the actual meaning of the word casual

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Yeah, I’ve known people who play for 6-10 hours a day that try to call themselves “casual” that “don’t have the time to raid” yet play quite a bit more than any raiders I’ve met, even ones in top 10 guilds.

It’s weird.


The word casual literally implies that you’re less serious about your gameplay, not how much you play.


I tend to agree, but +20’s is rewarding after you can use it.

And it’s not much of an incentive for anyone else. The +16’s and above player is really a small group of people that are WAY over represented on the forums.

But like I said, most likely this will get turned way down in x.x.5 after they’ve shaken all the lose fruit from the tree.

It doesn’t, you can be a casual mythic raider that only raids 2 days a week for 3-4 hours. Casual players was always used for the amount of time someone put into the game, if you are not able to do hard content after playing 8 hours a day you are just bad not a casual.

I dare you to look up the definition of casual.

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I play 4-6 hours a day and consider myself casual cause I don’t raid, do M+, only do yolo arenas/RBGs and unrated PVP

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1- relaxed and unconcerned.
2- not regular or permanent.

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