How to raise Conduits to 278 if I do not raid?

but daddy Jayne
I need them to parse grey in my raids and get dunked on by a keyboard turning ret with his W key stuck in his forehead with a disconnected rsham

They explicitly stated that their intent behind this change was to remove a grind. The reasoning was that more people than intended saw the conduit grind as mandatory for how small of a buff it gives most specs, and they wanted to cut back on that.

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casuals cant have everything. they’re not good enough.

You act like casual players can’t do 20s

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This term is only defined by the person using it at the time.

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If your only experience in 15s or heroic raids is as the buyer, do you need even 265 conduits? (not saying this is true of the druid you responded to, but just as a general point)

I’m sure some can. I only go above 15 because pugging 16 -17’s can be easier than a 15 a lot of the time.

And I like the idea of them dropping from content instead of some FOMO grind.

Just 10 - 15 seems more appropriate than 15-20.

15-20 with no filler method like a currency purchase just seems like a vindictive solution to not having a grind.

Even using your own definition, it won’t make sense for casual to care about 278 ilvl conduit, because casuals don’t care about their performance.

So you would call a player who plays 8 hours a day but never does current content
what? Hardcore?

8 hours a day everyday is not only hardcore, you’re either addicted or a streamer.

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I am a casual and I don’t play WoW for eight or more hours a day because I care about the result (what result? joints achy from disuse?) and/or rewards (they are virtual, give me a break), I play WoW for eight or more hours a day because I love being in the World.

To me:


  1. relaxed attitude towards playing
  2. favors fun-oriented play choices
  3. focus is on ‘the journey’


  1. intense attitude towards playing
  2. favors goal-oriented play choices
  3. focus is on ‘winning’

So everybody who plays 8 hours a day is either being paid to do it, or should be referred to as a mental health issue?

I see everything you say should be entirely disregarded as disinformation.


hey. what about bads. what do we diagnose as ‘just bad’ ? I feel this group gets overlooked, and it’s quite sizeable.

Playing 8 hours a day everyday is not healthy dude, that’s what world first raider do in the first month of every patch (and people call them sweaty). If you do what they do but for the entirity of the patch, i would argue that you’re even more hardcore than Limit or Echo.

Even worse if you only do world content, no gaming company would ever be able to make a content for such players.

I’m retired, dude. It’s not up to you to diagnose me with a mental condition and tell me to do absolutely nothing ever.

Actually, gaming companies that want to make the maximum profit make an effort to give their customers what it takes to keep them playing and paying. You clearly have no clue how casuals choose to play and what they enjoy doing with their time, so you feel completely justified in manufacturing total lies to make you feel all superior and stuff.

I’m amazed. They really should get a better class of shills in.


Ya, i used the word “Casual” which is my bad since it’s a mostly meaningless term and it completely derailed the conversation.

I just disagree with with putting the gearing path above 15’s which is the cap for iLvl.

The learning and less skilled players need access to upgrades more than anyone and starting the upgrade path for conduits at 15 is extreme. We came out of 9.1 with 252 and now we only start to upgrade them at +15’s?

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You being retired doesn’t change the fact that playing 8 hours a day is not the norm, or even close to being casual, your feeling had nothing to do with it.

Anyone that do something regularly, everyday for 8 hours a day is not a casual, be it going to the gym, swimming, or anything.


Don’t bet on it. You’ll probably still have to raid/run mythics, etc
 to get maxed conduits.
Someone who plays like I do, (I don’t raid/mythics) most likely won’t be seeing them and I also don’t care.

Do they really though? 252 conduits would be enough for someone starting out to get into higher level content, right or am I misunderstanding?

I like this definition best. I’d be a casual and I’ve also played for 8+ hours a day for several days on end since I started.

I’m not addicted, not a streamer either. I just had the time to kill, nothing else needed to be done & doing that allowed me to save real life money so it was a win/win.

Plus, it’s a beautiful world both ingame and IRL. IRL can kill you for real, though.


As an officer in a casual old farts guild
 They most desperately need upgrades.

Like I said
 We came out of 9.1 with 252. And you can still upgrade them to 252 with 9.1 content. Current upgrades starting at +15 is really moving the goalposts further. BfA the end point for gearing was +10. SL moved that 5 levels past the last affix to 15, now 20.

And 20 is definitely getting into the realm where spec balance is going matter quite a bit.

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