The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

One of the reasons I feel that BfA is reviewed so low, despite it still being better than both Cataclysm and WoD, is that everything Blizzard did in it feels unfinished or just a little bellow what people would really like to have.

Allied races? Few customization options; races that are just not appealing; leaving very requested races out.

Warfronts? Need to fell more engaging. Too much repetition.

Raids? Uldir feels like filler. Weak lore, Alliance has no connection to it, no shared themes with expansion’s main story.

Things to do? Why did they need to wait a patch to bring basic things like special currencies and paragon chests? Much of 8.1’s content feel like it should have been in since 8.0.

I think a lot of those issues could have been avoided if Blizzard just heard feedback rather than try to reinvent the wheel all the time.

Void elves are the perfect example. They were not needed, no one asked for them. High elves would be easier to implement (leaving more resources for other allied races) and would make people way happier.

The same thing applies to many other parts of the expansion.