How to make Warfronts engaging?

Which is one of the reasons warfronts should be more engaging. There should be extra rewards for activity (like the Personal Score idea I put above), so people feel encourage to do things that increase their score and not just rely on others.

I agree. I think they are interesting to see the first time around, but they fail as a piece of storytelling because there’s never a true winner. After the first time, they are very repetitive. You feel like you don’t matter.

Which is why they should be made more engaging, with random events that alter the flow of the warfront and extra rewards for active participation.

It is. But it requires the team to go afk and let the enemy waves hit their base without any opposition. Eventually, the enemy mobs can overwhelm your commander. There’s even a “You lose” screen.

You should be able to lose. It would help keep the people that run around doing whatever they feel like instead of focusing on what the warfront actually requires.

“I think I’ll mine iron all day long. Oh what’s that? They broke down the gate and are fighting the end boss? Back to mining iron I guess.”

Make them PVP.

There should be a PVP mode. Even if it’s just optional.

Maybe if Blactivision didn’t rush BfA it might have had the time to do that. But whatever, gotta satisfy quarterly earnings, even if you ship a garbage broken game…

Guys, I know PvP warfronts would be awesome, and I hope some of them are translated into epic battleground eventually.

But let’s try to focus on what we have. How to make our PvE Warfronts more engaging?

I thought there was going to be a harder difficulty? Or is that coming later? Or perhaps I’m completely misinformed.

Good post. I’d personally like to see more randomized objectives. The actual “battle” is very much on rails for the majority of the event, and is based on the WC3 model. Build base, build demos, kill boss. Maybe mix those up a bit? Have YOUR base under attack, and you have to repair and defend instead? Throw some random/rare heroes into the events for players to obtain?

Problem is, there’s 20 people milling around that generally are not a cohesive group. While sometimes players will take a lead, there’s also the inevitable arguing (like BGs) where folks scatter. How about our “General” do some raid leading? Have some more callouts or messages on-screen directing players towards a specific goal?

Overall, I personally like the Warfronts, but they become too tedious and repetitive very quickly.

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I dont know how many od you play Destiny 2, but with their recent forsaken patch they introduced gambit mode which has been a very welcome addition.

It is two teams of guardians working in instanced versions of the same PVE map. Thr object is to bank tokens and ultimately summon the final boss and be thr first to beat it.

The caveat is that as you bank your tokens, a member of thr opposit team is able to port into your instance and attempt to thwart your efforts.

Im not saying it has to be an exact matxh 1 for 1, but this would be a dlam DUNK for warfronts IMO. You would be able to appeal to the PVP crowd as well as the casuals. As single players, were not especially powerful but maybe these alter of storms buffs can be tied to it and we could go over as a powerful NPC. Maybe even an avatar of the commander for our specific faction.

It would allow for some chaor and randomness. Like I said though maybe not an identical match, but something similar and warcrafty in nature.

I like the score idea too. Seems silly that we dont have achievements, titles or anything related to warfronts…

I’d like to keep the resources in a PvP version, but have the gathering done by peons that can be hired by the players.

There will be 10-man non-random-queue heroic warfronts.

But I think it’s unnecessary, and I fear they’ll end up flawed anyway. The standard ones should be improved instead.

Very nice post. I agree, warfronts’ main problem is how predictable and repetitive they are.

Well, thinking back to WarCraft 3, one of the missions that I go back to the most is the Defense of Hearthglen. Mostly because of the bonus quest of the Undead caravan. I always make it a goal to wipe that thing out ASAP, and gather all the best (according to my personal preference) items for Arthas. I wipe it off the map before it reaches the first town, without losing my base in the process.

I know there are people who can cheese it by eliminating the enemy base, or doing much better micro than I can. I’m not the best at the game, I admit it. But that is the sort of thing that this mode needs. Optional objectives that take you off the beaten path, and considerably increase the difficulty of the mode, but which offer a worthwhile reward.

Arathi tried this with the random rares, but they weren’t worth it at all. The rewards did almost nothing, even the elementals died very quickly. These objectives need to reward things people actually want, that makes doing them worthwhile. Raising the iLevel of the final drop, mounts, something. Just make them worth doing and make them so that if you go for them, it makes it a lot harder to win. And change them up so that they’re less repetitive.


It would be interesting if the rares could drop items and other prizes (like mounts, pets and so on) just like they do in Arathi (they are even the same mobs!).

With the personal score idea, participating in one of the events could also reward a lot of points, thus ensuring more boxes to open at the end of the warfront.

Another possibility is that rares could not just show up on the outskirts of the battle, but roam around in a rampage, attacking your bases, disrupting the flow of the warfront and forcing people to react them.

What a badass! But yes, I agree Warfronts need to have meaningful side objectives.