The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I really dislike Telogrus. It has the right mood, but all I see there is wasted potential. It could be full of lore about the void elves, but it barely scratches the surface. Also, it has a terrain bug that hasn’t been fixed since 7.3.5.

I feel like a lot of BfA content is just not that good. Nothing is back, but everything is just average.

Allied races? Lack customization, some lack attention, some were rushed.

Island Expeditions? 8.1 made them better, but they are still too repetitive.

Warfronts? They could be way more engaging.

War campaign? Has some good moments, but nowhere near as good as the Suramar campaign or MoP’s 5.1 and 5.2 storylines.

I feel that people dislike BfA not because it’s bad, but because it’s fails to have something spectacular among its main features.