How to Fix the Ashenvale issue Fairly for Both Factions

Fake news. We keepin’ it.

What defeat? The war ended in a mutual ceasefire.

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There’s no indication that you got it in the first place. Can’t keep what you never had.


If you say so. If you wanna conclude that the NEs didn’t lose the zone when the entire Horde army marched through it after killing all it’s defenders, I’m not gonna argue with you. I’m just going to assume you don’t understand what a warFRONT means, and move on.

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Marched through is the key phrase there, as the Horde continued on passed Ashenvale without leaving any occupational forces. Even in the in-game event, Alliance players mopped up the few Forsaken Rogue stragglers left behind in Ashenvale.

If you want to note Darkshore as a warfront you might want to consider why the Horde player comes in from the sea. Though, then again, the Horde player is shown in game that Malfurion is cutting off their land based supply lines.


Right, because they left only dead.

See, that’s what happens when an enemy force passes through an area and eradicates everyone in it’s path. Even though the enemy force continues onwards, that territory it is now located BEHIND the enemy front line. And with no friendly forces located there any more, that makes it…enemy territory, whether the enemy stations troops there or not. Until friendly forces break through the front line to reclaim it, it remains enemy territory.

And the only confirmation we have is that the NEs pushed the front line back to reclaim Darkshore. Nothing beyond that at this time.

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what front line, sylvanas pulled back all her forces back to org in 8.2.5

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Only your assumption. And until there’s confirmation that the NEs moved up into Ashenvale, they still haven’t reclaimed the territory.

Incorrect. The Horde were not able to hunt down the Night Elves that attacked them in Astranaar. Hence how the Alliance player is able to meet up with Delaryn there in-game and clear out the Rogues and put Astranaar back in the Night Elves’ hands.

nope do the loyalist quests lol

We know that the blight in Lordaeron isn’t the same strength because gas masks can’t save you from the strain in Hillsbrad.

Hillsbrad’s strain is so bad that the Forsaken actually comment on not using it again, don’t they?
It’s been a long time since I did the zone.

I’ve read them. I’m weary of your pages of fanfiction about the world state of the Horde army based entirely on a couple lines about conscripting some civilians.

Wanting to recruit some additional cannon fodder ≠ “every Horde soldier was withdrawn from Ashenvale”.

Especially when you keep conveniently ignoring similar statements made about the Alliance much earlier in the expansion.


Technical nitpick, Nathanos has you recruit citizens of the city itself, not farmers.


Fair enough. Edited.

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Somehow the Alliance farmers were enough so that the Alliance was winning on all fronts. The citizens of Orgimmar never got the chance to prove themselves before Sylvanas abandoned the war.

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Infact, recruiting citizen soldiers makes more sense when you know they’re still fielding troops in Darkshore.


yeah letting your captial be defended by civilians is so smart

I mean, it does when you’re actually trying to get everyone killed. Which she was.

Alot of your assumptions on what you think “must” have happened are based on logical decisions one would make to win. But she wasn’t trying to win, she was trying to cause as many casualties as possible.

“Why yes, leave all our forces overextended in the field. And get our civilians ready to rush out the front gate. Yes indeed, these are all good strategies.”


Nathanos also says she basically has already accomplished that by whittling away the Horde’s military forces to nothing.


You really avoided the loyalist quests didnt you

yeah wouldnt it been better if she won and then the weakened horde and alliance would just die to the old god.

I wasn’t a loyalist so…yes. But I read the thread you keep posting, and nothing in it proves any of the things you keep trying to attribute to it.

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