How to Fix the Ashenvale issue Fairly for Both Factions

Originally posted by Korall or Arganar as you may know. Credit goes to him.

Good morning all! I’d like to preface this by stating this is an attempt to get a positive conversation going - in my time here I see a lot of sniping and tribalism, but I want to see conversation about how things could be done better. Use positive, creative energy instead of negative. To that end I would like to ask people getting involved in resisting sniping at players of the other faction - Night Elven fans have plenty to complain about, but, in my eyes, fans of other races inside WoW have just as many, so playing the “Who has it worse” game doesn’t produce anything positive. To that end, I would like to outline how I would simultaneously restore the Night Elves 90% of Ashenvale to them, with the other 10% being uninhabited initially due to a desperate attempt by the Horde to stop them going any further. The goal of this is to try and get conversation going on how it would work for both sides, to give them both a story that builds up their respective sides without detracting from either.

Tyrande and Malfurion would lead the charge from the Night Elven-owned Darkshore - This is where the Alliance PC begins. Zoram’gar would be the first thing to fall, which would allow the Horde to realise they’re coming and to prepare. The outpost itself would be destroyed, along with all it’s defenders, sans a handful of runners who make it to Horde-occupied Silverwind Repose who make the alarm. The Night Elves then continue on through to Astranaar and liberate it. Since the War of Thorns and the shifting of the primary battleground, Orc civilians have started to settle in Ashenvale. The Horde PC starts here - they realise that there is no way they can stop the Night Elves so they are entirely focused on assisting to set up defences to slow down the Night Elves, not stop them, to give the civilians time to escape. The Horde PC will be largely successful here, but the Night Elves catch up and slaughter one or two convoys of the families that have been living here - the Alliance PC doesn’t need to see this, as this moment is meant to be a rallying point for the Horde PC. This is where the two storylines converge - the Horde PC is running through the zone towards Splintertree, slowing down the Night Elves where they can to allow the civilians time to evacaute. We can have some cool things here like the trees coming alive to take the Orcs as they flee. Splintertree is a hotbed of attack as the Horde evacuates everyone over the hills behind and the Night Elves tear through the defences at the front. At this point, a new Night Elven NPC can be introduced to the Horde as a new primary antagonist.

Splintertree falls and by this stage, word had long reached Orgrimmar of what was happening and finally, Underhold is opened and the weaponry and technology inside is retrieved. They begin deploying the tech to the Warsong Lumber Camp, which is currently set up to defend the remaining Orcs as they flee across the Southfury. Here is where the final clash between the two factions happens. I’m not 100% on the details, but both sides deploy “Doomsday” Weaponry which resulted in that entire section of Ashenvale being barren and dead of life - the reason for this is primarily to give a very clear “Neither side enters” section of land. The Orcs and the Horde array their defences along the Southfury, both in Azshara and Durotar, to prevent the Night Elves from spilling any further out. Without the power of their trees and the cover they afford, the Night Elves are unable to move any further forward. How the Horde suppresses someone like Malfurion from just regrowing the land can be explained by some of the ancient relics Garrosh secured from Pandaria in some fashion.

The same goes for the Mor’shan Ramparts and half of Stonetalon. The Night Elves have convincingly reclaimed almost the entirety of Ashenvale and driven all of the Orcs out, giving them a convincing victory and the Horde is forced to lick it’s wounds, but it now has a new arsenal with which it can defend itself and bring itself a little closer to the power the Alliance has at it’s hands. In addition, the staggering loss of Orc life will lead for a galvanising moment for the Orcs and provide a clear focus - the new Night Elven NPC that was introduced as the antagonist. Obviously it’s very rough, but it’s an idea I’ve had. I’d like people to mull it over and provide their own constructive feedback - please note this is meant to be a storyline where both sides have moments of victory, moments of loss and ends with both sides being stronger then they were before they started.

So, thoughts?


Well, I generally like the idea of giving Night Elves their teeth back. I also like the idea that the alliance, or in this case Night Elves, would be displayed as cruel and not just the Horde as always. The new Horde antagonist idea sounds also great, since I do believe that some alliance players also could sympathize with them just like they did with Roggers in MoP. It’s just a dream, but I’d like if the new antagonist would have a giant hatred against Baine, cause he holds up some leaders of the alliance to make the Horde an end. It could also be used as a great opportunity to give Baine some different progression, I mean the guy didn’t changed his attitude since Cata. The only idea I have how it may could happen would be to make an example of tauren soldiers and civilians to get Baine’s attention.

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I like the idea a lot, but I don’t think it’s likely that it will go back to the Night Elves, let alone as an onscreen victory.

Hell, they couldn’t even give it back the Night Elves with a one line dialogue, in the books, tweets or anything else

The war is over and the horde gave it back to the nelves already


That’s some massive headcanon :woman_facepalming:


I kinda missed it. Could you share the source please?


the fact that tyrande is not mad about land

So…Horde lose? That’s how it’s handled fairly?



Giving the Night Elves a victory by getting their lands is indeed fair after what the Horde has done to them in the War of Thorns, but don’t worry it’s never going to happen, not even offscreen.

The Horde will get to keep Ashenvale for sure this time. Anduin even supports that.

What a ridiculous statement.


Well, that means nothing now. It could also be that they just didn’t mentioned anything because of reasons :man_shrugging:


You can say that about any bit lore

To whom? The Horde loses the land they attempted to conquest. Also, please don’t tell me that even if the Night Elves got Ashenvale back you’d say it’s fair after what they endured in the WoT.



Well, we could also say the same about your reply so?

It’s not enough to conclude it, but from your comment I just got that it would be unfair for the Horde if the Night Elves got the lands back they had before BfA ?


well like I said, I have the fact that tyrande isnt mad, and that sylvanas pulled back her forces to org, forces that where so depleted that she had to use farmers to shore up.

I do think you confuse her with Anduin. I can’t remember saying anything about this.


She is mad though :woman_shrugging:

I’m glad that Sylvanas’ forces don’t make up all of the Horde.


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do the loyalist quest lines, nathanos says it

Well, yes. Horde fought and died to capture the land. To lose it in a misguided attempt at fairness cheapens what they went through.

I’m not saying that the Night Elves shouldn’t get the land back. Just saying that it wouldn’t be fair for both sides.



since horde players cant be bothered to do there own storyline