Two sides of a narrative

We’ve seen Blizzard attempt to use the idea of one side only seeing part of the story and the other side seeing another part of it a few times now. Broken Shore. Battle of Dazar’alor. But one that people didn’t seem to realize was also the ending of the BfA War Campaigns.

This is what most players, Alliance and Saurfang’s Horde, saw from outside Orgrimmar:

    Alleria Windrunner says: Sylvanas commands what may be the only army capable of defeating N’Zoth. For the sake of Azeroth… perhaps we should stand aside and let her.

But this is what the Sylvanas loyalist saw within Orgrimmar from Nathanos:

    The war has proven costly and our ranks have been steadily depleted. But the Horde is nothing if not strong. Each and every citizen of Orgrimmar is worth ten Alliance weaklings on the battlefield. Rally the citizens and form a militia! Remind them of their slain brothers and sisters!

The accompanying quest Propaganda Takedown even sees the Sylvanas loyalist player attacked by and having to kill Dismayed Citizens that also wanted Sylvanas dethroned.

This is a pretty good example of an NPC not having the full picture, with Alleria not actually knowing what the forces were that Sylvanas had behind the walls of Orgrimmar, and not knowing that it had come down to pitting a citizen militia against the rebels and Alliance soldiers outside.


I rather enjoy having NPCs make incorrect conclusions due to their limited/partisan knowledge. It makes them feel more like fleshed-out characters, and makes the world feel bigger and more mysterious when everybody doesn’t know everything as though they can pull up Wowhead or Chronicles in-universe.

I think Blizzard is in a tough spot with presenting it this way, though, because when so many plot areas have no unquestionable true source, we players will attempt to club each other over the head with these NPC quotes to score internet argument points.

Still, I do hope they continue with this!


That happens anyways you know, I mean its obivious who is right in these sort of things, like dazalore which side is right? The side experiencing them.

People are still making this claim.

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We have a hard enough time arguing continuity when characters are correct. Blizzard lacks the skill to utilize unreliable narrators.