How to Fix the Ashenvale issue Fairly for Both Factions

As is the Alliance perspective.

There is always bias, thus there will always be more conflict. With both biases in mind, there can be an attempt to craft something at least palpable for both, but not 100% what they desired.

Having the Night Elves hand the Horde their butts with no issues is not that either.

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It wasn’t *just" Undercity that got blighted either. The Blight also took out all the lands between Undercity and Carren’s Haunt on the far northern shore.

That’s because Teldrassil was basically designed to cover the Night Elf 1-10 experience, at which point they went to Darkshore for the next ten levels. Trisfal’s entire zone was designed as a 1-20 experience.

It really is hard to equate things that were never designed to be all that equitable or easily swapped for one another to begin with.

WoW’s lifespan isn’t the entire existence of Ashenvale and from MoP to BfA Pre-patch Ashenvale was canonically 100% Nelf controlled.

The reality is you aren’t interested in fairness. You’re interested in a repeat of MoP where the Horde “”“loses”"" and comes out of it with more land than they deserve like they did with Azshara.


I see the Alliance retaking Ashenvale sorta like how I see the Horde retaking the Southern Barrens. If there’s ever a world update, I’d like to see those happen, as they are zones that thematically and historically have stronger ties to one side.

I personally am okay with conflict staying in and around the Warsong Lumber Camp because that’s a long-running story and it is the forest border right by Orgrimmar, and also for the zone to have some Cenarion Circle and Earthen Ring quest areas that players of either side can quest in so the zone isn’t written out of Horde questing altogether, but I do want vast swathes of the forest to showcase an uninterrupted ‘night elf heartland’ theme.

I do still wonder what territory arguments would be like if the Horde had just sailed up to bombard Teldrassil directly rather than marching through the two other core night elf zones first. While the Teldrassil/Undercity v. Teldrassil/Tirisfal argument would no doubt still be bandied around, it would make a lot of other arguments a lot simpler to balance.

And there it is. Either I agree with your definition of fairness or I’m wrong. Got it. Even though not a single post of mine in this thread indicated I want anything related to MoP.

Please Master Anduin, tell us filthy Horde what fair and just looks like.


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I was under the impression that the『Blight』only made UC uninhabitable. The Dead Scar leading to UC was the Alliance clearing the way for siege engines. Totally habitable.

Though to be fair to the Horde, the Nelfs can always regrow new world tree. It’s just they won’t, and I don’t think the Dragons have the power to bless another one.

Did the blessing actually mean anything?


Yeah. The blessings prevented the Emerald Nightmare from corrupting the tree.


Because, as per Wolfheart, Goldrinn wanted, and earned, redemption from Elune:

    Malfurion watched as, for the briefest of moments, the form of Goldrinn—Lo’Gosh—superimposed itself over Varian. Malfurion was no overimaginative sort; he knew that the vision he had seen was neither a product of his troubled mind nor a trick of his eyes.

    The archdruid glanced at Tyrande.

    “Yes,” she murmured. “You see true. Goldrinn chose well his champion. . . . They are of a kind. The wolf Ancient: it was said that in the early days of the world he used to howl his fury against the moons, against Elune. Perhaps, through this choice, he has redeemed himself in the eyes of Elune as well.”


Gotcha. Thanks.


Uh yea I actually think it would be very fair. The Horde got to completely annihilate the Night elves onscreen and with cinematics and destroyed their home. The Night Elves getting Ashenvale is as fair as it gets as one of many things that would be needed to build the back up.

Again, it’s absolutely NEVER going to happen, but it definitely should and it would’ve been fair for the Night Elves to get some victories too after the Horde nearly completely destroyed them as a race, leaving only few alive.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it does.


you literally dont know how to read do you. Read the op again, this is about doing ashenvale in a event that makes the horde not feel like losers, how do you give ashenvale back without making the horde feel bad. you are so blind in your stupidity you think I actually care about making it fair, I dont care about fairness to the horde in this situation, ashenvale should be 100% alliance period

You should read the first comment on this page.

The equivalent to Ashenvale would be Silverpine, which the Alliance did not march through, so it’s already not an equivalent situation.

Ashenvale lore wise was no longer contested after the Siege of Orgrimmar.

You should also note that Darkshore was historically an Alliance controlled territory, not a contested one, yet that didn’t stop Blizzard from giving Horde world quests to do there.

This is not true, as both Teldrassil and Tirisfal were designed for 1-10.


I mean, the charred and dead lands surrounding Undercity are no less uninhabitable than the charred and dead remnants of Teldrassil, but come on. Neither are really available to players and we aren’t going to be visiting either any time outside of phasing or future plot contrivances.

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No thank you. Alliance got to win Darkshore AND Arathi.

We’re keeping Ashenvale.

First I’ve heard of it.

Well, other than the previous times you’ve said it.

My storyline wasn’t the loyalist path.

Even if it was(which it’s not), being common sense doesn’t make it canon.

We have the proof of the state it was in the last time Blizzard showed us the state of the zone.

And it will remain in that state until Blizzard confirms that it’s changed.

After a quick check, it seems it got bugged just like that achievement from Blackrock Caverns, but technically still made it into the game

Nah but it started there and spired into the nelves fanboys making annoying threads every week crying how the Horde should be exterminated and how nobody except them has suffered those calamities undermining any feeling of compasion on the own race

Yea It got bugged, it happens.

The bug seems to have been that person accessing it. If they actually accessed it at all.

Nah. Horde didn’t even bother trying to keep Astranaar, let alone the rest of the forest.

They specifically didn’t give them Dark Shore, it was declared and Alliance Victory. I can’t think of a single reason they would abandon all their existing quests to make it a Horde only zone. Nor do I see, given the Horde’s defeat, why the Alliance would let them keep it.

If you’re going to insult me on top of what you usually do I’ll just report your posts from now on and move on. Keep defending everything Blizzard does, as soon as it’s confirmed you’ll see it as a good thing that the Horde gets to keep Ashenvale and the burning of teldrassil was a heroic thing.

Seriously, if you’re going to keep trolling with that many posts just do what you want. Everyone knows it anyway, the only reason I still bothered was because you kept spreading misinformation to make things look good for the Night Elves and claim that everything has been properly resolved.