How to Fix the Ashenvale issue Fairly for Both Factions

honey you are literally making up stuff, nathanos literally says that the horde army is dead, not that its in ashenvale

Yes, it would. But then everyone would be dead and the game would be over. So they couldn’t have her do that.

Instead, she fights a pointless duel that ends up going badly and screwing up her plans, while providing players with a big cool cutscene. Like a video game would do.

No, he “literally” says that they’re steadily depleted. Which means diminished in number. Not dead.

Not to mention assumes that the NPC that’s in the process of secretly betraying everyone is even telling you the truth.

past tense: depleted ; past participle: depleted

  1. use up the supply or resources of.

The adverb “steadily” implies that it’s an ongoing process.

past tense

Oh my. 250? This thing doesn’t go past 250. How are you still standing? You should be a puddle of goo by now. Sylvanas will be most displeased with this information. There might be some things we can do to reduce the lethality levels of the area by a few decades, but that still leaves us out by about a hundred or so years.

“This place should reduce you to a pile of goo, but hasn’t… well it’ll still take about a hundred years to be less lethal, even though it apparently isn’t lethal. Sylvanas also won’t be happy about how un-goo’d you are so we’re going to make it stronger so it’ll cause problems in Stormheim but it won’t be very strong at all when we use it against the Alliance in Lordaeron.”

The Blight is apparently only really lethal to the land itself and varies in how lethal it is to characters depending on the story. Go figure.

Lethal. Leeethal. Man I hate this word suddenly.

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He literally says:

    The war has proven costly and our ranks have been steadily depleted.

No it doesn’t. It implies a slow process. But in this case, a process that had already taken place.

We have the Mission Tables showing the Night Elves in Ashenvale and even sending saboteurs into Azshara. And yes, the Mission Tables are part of the story, according to Ion as he describes them at :

    It’s viewed as it’s a flavorful, sort of thematic way if you do some world quests you get some extra resources from doing that, and then you can choose amoung a set of bonuses to further augment your rewards that you got in the course of getting those resources, and you’re doing it in a way that is tied into the story of the war.


Does it matter at this point? It matters what the writers want and the writers want Ashenvale to be a Horde zone.

See above about Mission Tables. Beyond that, the writers haven’t addressed Ashenvale again.

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Thanks for this. I was always wondering if mission tables could be used as canonical events.

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People often bring up Warden Stillwater as confusion towards the Mission Tables, however Warden Stillwater was already alive again during the Legion pre-expansion events in Hillsbrad Foothills.

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Mission tables also tell you to evacuate civilians after Teldrassil was long burned down.

We know where the priorities of the writers though and blizz has been wanting to give the Horde Ashenvale for like… over a decade?

It’s safe to assume the Horde can just keep it in a similar way they kept Azshara, this time it will be “The Horde can keep Ashenvale in exchange for staying out of Darkshore” or some nonsense like that…

Yes, and another instance I’ve seen is that of Belysra Starbreeze, who’s evacuating civilians in Lordanel in the mission table. She was seen in the temple in Darnassus before the player exits through the portal, though I assume that she’s alive and escaped through the portal afterwards.

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Eating up Vespero’s troll bait and derailing the thread. Do not pass go do not collect $200

Not impossible. We’re not allowed to get close enough to Teldrassil to see if anyone survived on it, which obviously the Mission Tables say that some did, as Faranoth pointed out.

I bet we see nothing done in game and everyone on both sides continues to cry on the forums. That’s usually what happens. :man_shrugging:

To be fair, even when stuff is shown in game people still cry on the forums.



Did the Alliance ever have a playable foothold in Silverpine? I honestly can’t remember. (Gilneas doesn’t count.)

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Actually, you’re right, Darkshore was the equivalent to Silverpine; Hillsbrad Foothills would have been the equivalent to Ashenvale.

The Alliance players marched through neither Hillbrad Foothills (despite Southshore) or Silverpine. Definitely didn’t have any world quests to do in Silverpine, either.


This. It reminds me of the orc grunt in A Good War who is all for the war. Not because she thinks the Horde needs the resources, or because she thinks it’ll put food on the table for her kids. It’s because she wants to kill Alliance. That’s it.