It is entirely the opposite. This addon will destroy connections.
How you can’t see how it will descend into the group finder tool in Retail for things like WQs is beyond me.
It is entirely the opposite. This addon will destroy connections.
How you can’t see how it will descend into the group finder tool in Retail for things like WQs is beyond me.
For example:
I don’t. I specifically stated that I don’t. Learn to read.
That’s not you explaining how it has an impact on the community, though.
That is possible without the add-on. The LFG chat channel is global, and as you said, you can just use a macro.
You must be either insincere or just don’t care to understand how changing any process from a previous state to a new state cannot possibly change anything else from its original state, when the original state is the entire aim of classic.
The original state included an add-on like this. Sucks to be you.
They literally said they want this addon for that exact reason. Why did people go to cities to find groups in Vanilla?
They didn’t. LFG was global.
Must have hit the mark.
Well, all us vanilla players remember that addon that parsed world chat and formed and sorted groups in a GUI.
None of these are lies, they just see a different outcome from having this addon. The game isn’t even out yet, how can you know if people are not telling the truth about what they think might happen next week?
Oh but they did, regularly. I saw it all the time.
Yes, we all do. You don’t remember it, though. Wonder what that means.
Then you are either misinformed or ignorant.
Okay, cool. LFG was global, though, so they didn’t have to.
My guess is that they went to cities because not everyone would be in the LFG channel, but they’re more likely to be in Trade. Going to cities would allow you to access more chat channels.
That will still be the case with this add-on. If people aren’t in LFG, going to a city to spam in Trade instead will still be beneficial.
No they wouldn’t, because they would just use the addon.
People totally didn’t camp out in Ironforge, then later, totally didn’t camp out in Shatt, then Dalaran.
Nope, never happened.
As I said… you don’t know what the add-on does, do you?
It sends messages to chat channels. How would you send messages to chat channels you’re not even in, e.g. Trade?
Nice strawman.
ok then, they were just saying what they thought might happen with this addon, just like you are might not happen with it. A lie would be someone saying the opposite of what they really think would happen, not making a prediction that doesn’t agree with your prediction.
I wasn’t calling anyone a liar for what they THINK would happen with the add-on.
I was calling people liars for saying the add-on does things it doesn’t.
Then there’s no need for the add on at all and people should stop defending it and let it go. you’re going out on a limb for a literal who developer who will possibly make an add on that other people will eventually add on to that can ruin the experience of classic for others.
You’re quoting people who most likely have experienced this over years from LFD to LFR and you’re not taking this into account. You say fearmongering and turn a blind eye to what happened in retail.
There’s no need for any add-on. That doesn’t mean they should be banned.
What a stupid argument.
Tell me. If you had the addon, would you bother going to Stormwind to post in trade to get better visibility on your group? Or to look for a group?
I wouldn’t go to Stormwind regardless of the add-on.
And as I’ve stated… I have a guild. I won’t be PUGing.
How to defeat an addon?
By using its built in features!
Remarkable irony.