If you can classify segregating yourself from large portions of the player base to be “defeating the add-on,” yeah. Haha.
Making people talk to one another? What do you think this is, vanilla?
we will lose many people in chat because they are using this addon and becomes hard for us to find someone.
yes the addon kills the need to communicate
If LFG classic catches on, it is easily possible for toxicity to flourish directed against people who do not use the add-on.
Which of the above quotes meet your criteria for a lie? They all look like people saying what they think might happen with this addon.
Best of luck to you, I hope Classic is good to us all. I am sure it will be, and then I can stop reading these damn forums!
Is that like further back about 3 hours ago when you claimed blizzard said the addon is acceptable when they never said anything about any specific add-on?
You seem to have that problem a lot.
Theres no need to call you out on your arguments and call them stupid
but you people with this attitude defending this add on make it hard to not want to insult you in so many ways look man if you don’t have the time to grind in classic it’s alright, take your time. It’s an mmo and it’s very time consuming take care of your kids, make sure to walk your dog, leave early to clock in on time.
This is a system being added in that can harm the player base and should not be added on i don’t see whats so hard about understanding that.
I also listened to the Livestream portion where this was brought up. No discussion about LFG or LFG addons were even talked about. Ion’s Blizzcon statement was much more thorough and concise, and it hints that addons like the one in question, would not be allowed.
First of all, it’s not my criteria. It’s the objective criteria for a lie.
A lie is a false statement made with the deliberate intent to deceive. As such, the first and third are definitely liars.
The first is implying that the add-on eliminates the need to communicate with other people, which they KNOW it doesn’t. However, they continue to deliberately spread the falsehood that it does in a mocking way.
The third was quoted from someone spamming the same thing over and over despite being repeatedly told that it does not kill the need to communicate whatsoever. It was explained how he was wrong, but he continued to spam the same message.
Both of these users are knowingly spreading false information to deceive people, i.e., lying.
The second and fourth are not necessarily liars. There’s a lot of posts in the thread I pulled those quotes from, and I don’t know if they continued to repeat the same incorrect arguments after I corrected them.
That’s why I clarified:
I was mistaken that the add-on was addressed specifically. The question mentioned “add-ons that help find groups,” or something to that affect, not specifically ClassicLFG. I will concede that point.
However, the answer given to the question does leave this add-on in the green, as it does not automate gameplay, and in fact does what is described as the reason add-ons are in the game:
Explain how.
Also incorrect.
Are you lying, or just misinformed?
explain how you say ? this can happen, but yet it’s fear mongering.
You’ve yet to explain how the add-on can have a negative impact on the community.
One last chance to make your argument.
The part you quoted was in reference to someone purposely choosing to exclude themselves. That’s not the result of the add-on, that’s a result of their own actions. That is not a negative impact on the community, it’s a positive one. People who don’t want to be involved with the add-on and people who use it can choose to avoid it.
The add on itself won’t ruin the game but what can and most likely ruin the game will come from the add on. I’ve explained it 3 times to you but you consider it fearmongering, but the attitude that this add-on can bring is the same attitude that reeks in retail.
Then you missed the part where they were asked about ‘not in the spirit of classic’ addons and LFG addons (though not ClassicLFG specifically).
But if you watched the stream from beginning did you see the rant by the streamers about how awful the auto invite of ClassicLFG is? How much they hated it? How important it was to break it?
Because they talked about it for a while before the Devs came on. Then when they had a chance to ask the Devs questions, they didn’t even bring up ClassicLFG and its auto invite.
Isn’t that wierd? Ranting about it and then not even talking about it when they have a chance to talk to the devs. Strange huh?
It was not brought up by the devs, they didn’t even hear the question where the streamer asked about those addons specifically. I think you are intentionally misleading people about what was “talked about” in that video.
Do you care to elaborate on that point?
The attitude of using an add-on to read chat and find groups in a clean UI?
It’s not automatic matchmaking and teleporting to the instance, or anything. There’s still a social aspect to the game.
I genuinely don’t know what your argument is, and you continue to refuse to explain it, for some reason.
Yeah, it was brought up by TipsOut, and answered by the devs.
They didn’t hear the very end of the question, actually, and then they just answered the question anyway.
Did you even watch the video?
I literally quoted the answer verbatim, remember?
How can I be misleading anyone by just quoting what was said?
Here is a transcription for you:
You said this was incorrect:
No discussion about LFG or LFG addons were even talked about"
and you quoted the devs saying this:
How is that talking about LFG addons exactly?
saying that add-ons “just in general” is the same as talking about an LFG addon is misleading
Because it objectively is incorrect.
Again… did you watch the video?
Hell, you even gave me the link to the exact timestamp. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/470797597?t=02h30m23s
TipsOut: "And because the game is so old, or, y’know, it’s coming back after a long break, a lot of people know the mechanics now and it makes things easier. Um, but, at the same, just like you said, the add-on API is a lot more modern now and people have the tools to make more sophisticated add-ons than they did back in the day.
Possibly add-ons that trivialize things like in-game boss mechanics, or even things like grouping up, and being able to group up faster. For add-ons like this, that maybe make the game a little bit too easy or do things that are not exactly maybe in the spirit of vanilla, do you guys have any kind of philosophy as to how to address these add-ons?"
Omar: “Sorry, we lost the audio for just the end of that question.”
Brian: "It sounded like he was asking if we have a philosophy about add-ons just in general, like which ones would be allowed, and I feel like the general philosophy is, like: if it automates gameplay, we don’t like it to automate the gameplay for you. If it’s helping you see the layout in a way that makes you feel like it’s more comfortable for you to view and respond to, that’s exactly why add-ons are in the game, is to make, like, the interface more comfortable for you to read and respond to, especially for anybody who, like, uses them to help with disabilities and things like that. That’s what we’re absolutely commited to.
That’s one of the reasons we left in color-blind mode. Like, what kind of jerks would we be to take that out, right?! We really want people to be able to see and experience and react to the game in a way that feels comfortable to them, but we don’t want it to be played for them."
Yep, a lot of discussion about LFG addons specifically right there. Good find.
omg it’s like you’re taking the information in and thinking it has a million meanings. Lmfao it’s a way to create a group and find players through a UI instead of talking to them in the chat. If you litterally have to use the u.i and still read and type in chat then wtf are you using it for ?
you’re literally complicating your experience by having a ui.
look at the video the guy who created the group on the u.i didn’t touch the mouse and keyboard and the person automatically joined when he said "inv"this is very similar to what goes on in LFD,LfR, and M+ on retail but the higher you go in + the more groups check your item level on raider i.o on and on and such; and that can potentially come from this add on and ruin the overall experience for players who want to have fun which is why you see so many people bashing it.
you keep on asking to elaborate yet you turn a blind eye to majority of the problems in retail.
Okay, you’re obviously a troll.
Yes I heard what the streamer said when he asked the question and then the Dev said:
“Sorry, we lost the audio for just the end of that question.”
and then:
" It sounded like he was asking if we have a philosophy about add-ons just in general…"
they didn’t hear it and answered the question “just in general”
equating that with specifically talking about LFG addons is misleading