How to defeat the ClassicLFG addon

This addon scans the chat looking for key phrases such as “LFM” “LF3M” as well as dungeon names and common abbreviations such as DM and VC for The Deadmines.

If you type “L F 3 M for DM” how ever the addon will not pick up that you are advertising for a group.
If you type “LF3M for deadmine” your advertisement will get picked up by the addon but because deadmine is not on the current list of phrases your ad will be picked up but will not be placed in “The Deadmines” category instead it will end up in the “custom” category still making the addon less effective.

There is a bit of code that I found that I thought was a bit funny but will also insure that your group is not listed in the addon. If you type “LF3M Deadmines #noclassiclfg” your ad will also not show up in the addon.

I expect that the dev of the addon will make changes to the list of key phrases the addon is looking for. But at least doing these things currently works and people will have to keep updating the addon as gamers adjust to hide their groups from the addon.



I hope more people see this.

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Good post! No one should be allowed to use an addon that helps connect folks with others. We must ensure that everything is done to make dungeons and group content as exclusive and elitist as possible!


Haha, maybe we can get people to drop the acronym and type out “Anyone up for a Deadmines run? Need a healer and a range damage dealer.”


The author has it that if you use #noclassiclfg in the chat message then the addon will ignore your message. That’s in there on purpose so that no one needs silly tricks to opt-out of using it.



Yep I saw that, it is part of my original post but I am also interested in other ways that I could get the addon to not pick up my group advertisement.

Eh, I’m glad the author put in a standard way for people to flag their chat messages. The more choice people have for these kind of things the better. No need to make grouping any more difficult with odd spacing or whatever.

layering: i sleep

lfg addon: HOLD UP YO


If only he had made it more visible and told people about it… He never said anything to Esfand about it or MrGM…

Its not elitist to use chat - this addon has no place. You already have innkeepers potentially and meeting stones; just use those or god forbid interact with other players


I don’t blame him, they are trashing him by running a bastardized version on Retail and claiming it’s the real version. Only the version they’re running has automated features not in the real version.


You can’t defeat it, because Blizzard said it’s acceptable. /shrug

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Interesting, you make me want to go nosey through the code now. There will be a way to squash this in game, people just need to figure out how. Hell we might end up with a “no LFG mod add-on” to restrict interactions with it.

Perhaps a better solution would be just not using the term LFG whatsoever. Like “seeking 3 more for mines” instead of “LF3M deadmines”. It won’t be hard to find the keywords and / or phrases it’s using.

It will also show to others you aren’t a bot or using bot tools.

Not that there’s much point in posting this here, but that’s kinda lengthy. Couldn’t it just be “#nolfg”?

Eh? As stated above, there are ways to work around it.

And I do not believe blizzard has gone out of its way to address any addons at this time.

They have. Check the recent ClassicCast stream.

They made no specific remarks on any addons in the classicast stream.

The question being answered specifically referenced this add-on.

Don’t use it?

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Esfand purposefully did not ask about this addon.

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