How to counter a ret in PVP now?

How Ret players see their spec:

How Blizzard sees ret paladins in PVP:


More like Blizzard listened to all the crybabies, I’m sure you will move onto the next class and get that nerfed too.


Looks like Blizzard is the only counter to the heavily over performing ret paladins.

I didn’t even get my paladin main to level 70 =(

Maybe I can start solo shuffle at level 60 though given how strong they are.

I actually still stand by my comment and it’s true regardless of how weak/strong Ret is. Quoting me doesn’t serve your point at all.

If anything, it’s funny to me that you took the time to make a post like this. Little emotional, are we?


Without free HKs, how will Lastarria get any?


I am a paladin main now! I will be getting all my free HKs before the nerfs, just you watch me!


Nah, I just like the jokes. I am glad you found it funny

I was in vacation for 2 weeks . I was so happy to see buffs for my favorite main of years being the worst melee in pvp with no real dmg and mobility. I dont know what I expected lol

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Scroll to the PvP section under Retibution.

I see someone dropped almost 400 rating tonight, while still playing an S tier spec. RIP.

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Well hopefully these nerfs just bring us inline rather than leave us in a crater in a Yamcha pose


Looks like all you have to do is blow on us again.

And irrational. But hey, however you get your kicks.

Counter Ret by encountering a ret, they just about kill themselves now.

Were* tanky, that stuff is gone.

Bruh. Rets aren’t doing OVERALL more damage than other classes. Yes the burst needed to be toned down but rets are still consistently out damaged by other classes in the long run. The damage isn’t that much different than pre 10.0.7 besides the fact that like three different abilities were lining up and hitting at the same time in one global causing massive burst numbers. That’s why they targeting those multipliers instead of spenders or builders. Ire,EL, and DA were the real issues in combination with FR and other dmg multipliers idk why they stuck with that type of playstyle for ret.


you really just type that ? your a big problem here, i am not sure what to say to you except for … what??? so … just stand there??? get nuked and do nothing??? your opinions are a problems

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I find stabbing them in the back with like 4 poisons works pretty well…… :smiling_imp:

I mean, I said they needed data.
And they actually got some since they released it soo yeah the fact you got rolled over is part of a larger trend they were able to confirm.

I don’t know what that quote was meant for…

For a laugh

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Please speak english. I don’t know what you’re trying to say.