How to counter a ret in PVP now?

Any ideas? Looking to play a spec that can kill rets. If none exist, I will roll a ret like everyone else (and then maybe they will get nerfs?)


Your a shaman purge and kite forever.


they are glorious are they not?


Try crying for nerfs all over the forum, like 90% of the pvp comunity.

It is funny how people get so triggered when ret is good in pvp.


It’s mostly people that never even touched 1800 before, the same people Ret always thrashes because they don’t understand how to play very well. Damage is definitely not higher than prenerf RD and they still complain.


there is a difference in a class being good and what ret is right now. un healable damage is not good for the game and will just cause more people to not pvp.

Ret mains only think their class is good they can run up and 1 shot someone with almost 0 set up.


You’re an elemental shaman. Shouldn’t be hard to figure out.


wait for the hot fix to come in. until then just start gearing your ret. Blizz will get the point when it’s a bunch of ret on ret crime all over the ladder

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Bro, I legit did way more burst pre rework, and damage is about the same over all….it really is hard for people to wrap their head around ret not being a wet noodle. People were happy knowing the ret was not someone to worry about , now they have to worry about the warrior the dk and the ret. Omg we’re in a good place but the community can’t have that , only warriors and dks can wear plate and hit hard

Ps. We’re still a wheel chair class


I don’t know, perhaps if you had a spammable ability that slowed, or could drop a totem that did the same, or even rooted them to the ground. Perhaps if you had an ability you could spam if they magically got free of that something like a magical purge.


Will Ret take some nerfs? Yea probably. But it always blows me away when people think Ret should be a bottom feeder class and can’t be a top tier class every once in a awhile.

Were you on the DH forum when they were basically unkillable juggernauts? Im assuming you post a lot on the Rogue forums too? I rememeber when Fury Warriors had their moment in the spotlight, so I’m assuming you posted there as well?


Hunker down and pray for daylight? I don’t know. I don’t PvP these days.

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Was just in a bg with a couple rets. One top damage by a long mile and the other was out damaging me by a good margin in a mix of blue honor and a few pieces of blue pve gear. Probably not geared yet because he’s one of the many fotm ret rerollers.

I’m an enhancement shaman in full conquest gear with gems and enchants. Enhancement definitely needs some love, sure, but first impression is ret seems way overtuned.

So, ele shamans are killing you now? And I am assuming frost mages?

Which spec is usually a loss for the new ret?

Ret isn’t dying when i stare at them too hard

they’re op now nerf nerf nerf i don’t know how to counter them

I hate the people who play this game.


Stand at 40 yards and purge Freedom.



Wait whats going on? I thought everybody here was crying that the rework made paladin bad in pvp?


I am just asking if there is a counter to ret right now. If so, I want to play that.

So, you ret players, what spec is the hard counter to you? Which spec to hate to see in arena these days? Which spec do you avoid the 1v1 in a BG?

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I’ve only been able to play like 4 RSSs since the patch with queue times what they are, but it seems like a good arms warrior is still a threat. Also ferals go bear when focused and it seems like they can sponge a lot of ret’s damage.

Idk that either is a counter really, but melee meta is still a thing. Honestly, I think for casters, having yet another strong melee to worry about is the biggest issue - that’s not a ret specific problem though and I’m just glad that for at least this moment, I don’t feel completely weak.


Ranged shaman, healer priests, mages, hunters. All of these classes should be untouchable to a ret. Only way to 1v1 them is to LoS inside a building and hope they enter it.