How poor do you have to be to want dual spec?

Jesus effin christ guy.

Literally my first sentence.

Get over yourself.

Edit: My comment was mostly focused on saying, in response to “not needing a proper pvp spec to pvp” that combat swords is literally useless in pvp, to which you willingly ignored my literal first sentence to go on some rant when I agree with you.

Still wrong about rogue pvp though.

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then your post is pointless. of course sub is the best pvp spec. doesn’t mean you can’t pvp as combat.

Here is how the conversation went:

Stopdotnlol: You don’t need a proper pvp spec.
Me: Rogues do, combat swords is useless in pvp, you need points in sub to make rogue work.
You: No you don’t
Me: Yes you do

My comment isn’t pointless, you just can’t read and are now currently trying to backtrack because you look like an idiot.


The gold is a small part if it for me. You are correct that 50 g is not much.

It starts with just the knowledge that is was poor game design to begin with. The majority if people want it. They are not asking for everything to be handed to them and all the other nonsense that comes up. Its just dual spec. It make the entire game more enjoyable.

People really just need to consider that. Look closely and think about any argument ppl have against it and lets just say they are all right. Even so. Its minor stuff and the freedom that dual spec opens up is just so much more worth it.

Back to the 50g. Or 100g. Yeah i wish. I am not asking for, but would actually like unlimited spec changes. On the fly. I dont just use 2 specs and i dont think a lot of ppl that change specs do. U usually have 3. A tank/heal spec. A pvp spec, and then a dps spec. So its a little more than just the 100g.

Like a healer has talents for pvp that they want that they cant use in raids because they need those talents spent somewhere else. Then if they want to do any type if farming they need a dps spec. Same with dps. Priest is a good example. Shadow for pvp, with stun talents. Drop the talents that reduce threat. Need those talent though when u raid again. And need to switch to heal spec for any dungeons or raid roles u need to heal.

My point is that dual spec doesnt eliminate the need to pay for respecs comoletely.

Stopped reading here, do you have a link you could provide???

Delimicus compiled a number of surveys and polls and other data confirming that the majority of people do indeed want it:

This post, in particular, has 500 :blue_heart:s on it:

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You mean the vast majority of people who care enough about dual spec implementation to vote in small scale polls asking for it to be implemented want dual spec, not the majority of players overall.

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No. Pretty much the majority of players want it.

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Good thing Classic isnt a democracy, or you guys would burn it to the ground.


That’s not verifiable, none of the evidence you’ve provided is free of bias.

You just linked a post asking for dual spec to be implemented and referenced how many hearts it has… are you serious or just trolling lmfao


i think you have your answer

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I mean, they ask for player feedback. If player feedback trends a certain way, they’re going to make decisions based on that.

If 99 out of 100 players want X, then that’s going to give them an incentive to implement X just because they want their subscribers to keep playing their game.

It’s not too hard to figure this out.

It’s trending on a variety of sources from YouTube, to Twitter, to Reddit, to MMO-Champion, to these forums.

What do you mean? People want dual spec. The bias is clearly stated right out of the gate.

How many hearts have your posts gotten lately?

Feeling a bit small, are we?

You have absolutely 0 verifiable evidence that supports you saying “the majority of players want dual spec”.

That’s not even a solid argument for implementation… even if a majority did that doesn’t mean it would be implemented. It would be to your benefit to instead provide legitimate reasons as to why it should be implemented and how it would be a positive thing while also acknowledging the negative aspects, as opposed to simply saying “majority wants it see Reddit poll also there’s no downsides”

I have him ignored and I’m not refreshing the page, about to go to sleep.

Guy is a straight troll, lives on the forums and parses bad.

He wants dual spec for convenience and I already know from what you’re saying alone that he reposted the same trash bait quote where it’s a bunch of jpegs where hearts and willi-e is supposed to represent over a million players.

inb4 he replies to me and calls me a hypocrite because I want same faction bgs due to it fixing an issue while not wanting dual spec because I don’t think convenience for convenience sake is a good reason.

bads will be bads bro, and he sure is one of them.


Are you serious? Lmfao

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More gold buying cheaters than ever in this game, along with boosters, exploit farmers, etc. Mostly everyone else doesn’t have loads of gold to blow on a whim, unless they are playing a LOT every day.

That’s odd, I coulda sworn I just posted it.

checks again

Yup, I posted it. Go read it if you like and figure out a better argument than dismissal out of hand.

I have just checked Twitter, zero trends. Reddit, no upvotes. Youtube, not a single wow video on the list, mostly minecraft.
MMO champion is a bit biased and specialized in MMO, soo you got me there.

Here’s a vid on the subject as well: