How poor do you have to be to want dual spec?

Respec should be about 500 gold and not 50. Players should be building a tank alt for TBC. Dual spec gets released in WotLK and why would they GIVE away this feature now?

That alone will sell subs when that time comes.

Yeah, see, not even Blizzard at the time thought this was a good idea - because it’s a terrible idea. It sounds like it’s coming from someone who doesn’t respec ever and thinks that their talent choice is deep and a big RPG element.


It’s too cheap
 should be a meaningful choice. Not toss me 50g I need to respec bro

Reason it feels so cheap is gold that’s flooding markets from Bots

Who cares tho throw away words to the void. No one cares or is listening anyways?

Primals go for 10-20g and are massively over camped on my server. I’ve tried farming them at 3am and have to fight hunters for spawns at Skald in Blade’s Edge which is the least popular camp. It seems like whenever I throw mine up on the AH somebody posts new ones and undercuts me every time.

I make more money selling shards and spell power food than anything else really.

No. Because everyone buys gold. That’s been the case ever since Classic WoW.

It’s why bots are everywhere. People are constantly buying gold.

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Where is running a few dungeons 100g, let alone 50g?

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Possibly. The other side is I’ll just never queue for arena or bgs.

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How insecure do you have to be to care about why people use an optional feature that doesn’t hurt you?

It’s like, “I can afford to pay for stuff. Therefore everyone else needs to be on my level.”

No it wont. This is just a bait tactic to get what you want.


blue posts from 2007:

This has been addressed many times before and I have to tell you, the answer is still “no” to both for the same reasons we’ve always given. There should be real investment into choosing a spec and reducing the cost or making it easy to do simple swaps would make the whole purpose moot.

You’re assuming a bit much here. Your assumption is that we haven’t asked this question many times before or even more recently. I’m not mouthing off or giving cliche’d responses. I’m giving you the straight answer that the answer is still, “no”. I’m not going to say it’s under consideration or that I’m going to ask them again about it when we have asked, it’s not under consideration right now and it’s not changing from the way it is currently. The costs are deemed reasonable.

Also, I wanted to point out that the argument about people respeccing for Arena teams makes the assumption that everyone is somehow running in one and thus needs multiple respecs. This is not true. Not everyone is respeccing between PvE and PvP and it’s not a majority of players that need to.

I gave a clear and direct answer on this based on recent discussions. You can believe that as you wish.

debate has been settled. no dual spec. the end. wait till wrath


I’m not in favor of dual spec, but

Combat swords is straight dog water in pvp. Good luck using any rogue strength in pvp when you have literally nothing that benefits those strengths. If you pvp as non hemo, you’re literally useless.


It’s less to do with gold and more to do with efficiency and convenience. It’s why I’ll sit in one spec, plus not everyone spends hours everyday farming.

we didn’t need to be the perfect sub spec to pvp as a rogue in 2007
no reason why we have to do it in 2021
get over it


Not denying you can have fun and PvP in BGs without being in optimal sub spec but there is absolutely no way you can do arena or BGs competitively without optimal sub spec.

Still don’t want dual spec though.

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That’s crazy since all throughout TBC, combat swords has never been viable in any aspect of pvp.

It’s almost like the only time non sub builds were viable was during HArP, which relied on multiple aspects of sub, like hemo and prep, you know, the “H” and the “P” in HArP, and the cheese from mace stunning someone.

And it still had the top half of the sub build which is for stealth and your opener.

Then post HArP nerf, the meta OG TBC pvp rogue spec went right back to hemo, but unlike vanilla’s half and half, it went full shadowstep due to mobility.

You’re actually just wrong. There has always been a perfect pvp rogue spec, whether it’s HArP or shadowstep, it required the top half of the sub tree, which you put a whole 0 points into as combat swords.

You’re just wrong, get over it.


blue post from 2007:

get over it. we’re not getting dual spec

Empathy is right you know.

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if you want to have the best pvp spec for your rogue whenever you pvp then you either stay in it always or you pay for constant respecs. the end.

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Even if 10 people on any server take up dual spec just to tank, that would be an improvement.

No it won’t “solve the issue” but it has the capacity to push thing in the right direction.

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