How many Val'kyr does Sylvanas have left now?

It was during some of the world quests. He urges you on to attack crew on enemy ships and blow them up. One of them was called, ‘Oh, Ship!’

Odyn says: Your enemies have sent reinforcements from the sea. Show my ocean fearing children how to properly sink such a vessel.

Odyn says: Well fought! You have shown yourself to be worthy.

More glorious combat? Perhaps Sylvanas is still trying to enslave his people or he has a grudge. Maybe she made a deal with some of the Helya Valkyr we see in the raid and he wants them gone.

I mean, I don’t care either way. The idea isn’t compelling compared to other races. But I don’t find it too far out there.

Thank you for that little tidbit. I was wondering about that after I posted it. Helya must have more valkyr hidden away or who can be easily corrupted for her own gain. Sylvanas would make for an interesting bedfellow, only thing I cannot see her following anyone orders for too long.

I think it was more convenience rather than instigating faction war, you know Odyn could watch us kill his mother but as long as it’s a glorious battle he would just say we proved our ‘‘worthiness’’

He prob was like: ‘‘Oh sh!t this seems like a great time to teach these how to attack ships’’

Everything can be done as long as we have PIS, but after getting Space Goats, England Furries, Chinese Furries, glowy Space Goats and a sh!tton of Elves.

I would like to keep it a bit grounded with the fantasy, like ‘‘Holy/Undead viking Angels’’ meh

They do scream raid boss in the same way Malkorok did.

I was gonna say in the raid we kill her but her death is short lived as the valkyr just sacrifice themselves to bring her back

Lesser Valks are still limited in number as more are not being made we just dont know how many lessers are left.

Its unclear how many it would take for another rez could be all three could be one.

lmao no what on earth

Oh an old thread!

It also gets quite a different meaning when Sylvanas can just recreate the Val’kyr whenever she wants, making 8.1 completely pointless. Funny how people thought that Tyrande killing a Val’kyr would actually have any consequence for Sylvanas.


Anyone else always read the time jump line the forums generate in the Sponge Bob voice?

Sylvanas has a finite number of effectively Prime Valkyr of at least n+1, where n is the number of Valkyr that have been killed. At least until Blizz decides she’s out for story reasons.

Though if you want a real answer instead of nonsense- Sylvanas started with 9. Of those, 6 are dead.
-Annhylde in Edge of Night
-Agatha, Daschla, Arthura in Silverpine
-Aradne in Andorhal
-Brynja at Darkshore

That leaves Kyra, Signe, and a yet unnamed Val’kyr. It’s worth noting that all of the lost ones save the last happened in Cataclysm. Also worth noting that of the remaining 3, it could be that each of them are strong enough to revive Sylvanas like Annhylde did, or maybe it would take all three like the Silverpine trio. We just don’t know.

But the way Sylvanas is now, is it even relevant? She’s on a significantly different power level now than “shoot people with arrows. At some point, get downed by some treason prone ex-gilnean.”

the original valkyr sylvanas had specifically made a deal with her to take her place in hell when sylvanas dies in exchange for their freedom.

she can make new valkyr, but she can’t make them take her place in hell. that is a choice they must make on their own, and the only reason they made that choice to begin with was because she freed them from arthas.

tl;dr unless she her newly made valkyr from another arthas, they won’t serve the same purpose to her.

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A brief note after checking on a thing:

Signe, at Darkshore, has the following text:

" My sister was slain before she could fulfill her part of our pact with the Dark Lady.

There are so few of us left now."

So, at least at Darkshore in BfA, it still mattered, at least in the minds of the Val’kyr.

well maybe that was before the writers decided that killing 1 Val’kyr was far too much revenge :upside_down_face:

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Did I miss a thing? I feel like I missed a thing.

What was the thing I missed?

I was just refering to the fact that the only thing the Night Elves achieved in 8.1 was killing that 1 Val’kyr and the devs then said that they got their revenge by doing so. Turns out they changed their mind and the Val’kyr has to be recreatable, otherwise it would’ve been too much revenge.


So your last sentence about the primes being re-creatable- that’s what I’ve missed.

Where does that come from?



To quote DBZA Mr. Popo:


Yup, that’s how I lost my last hope.

So the entirety of Teldrassil was blamed on Sylvanas, and the Night Elves got their revenge by killing 1 recreatable Val’kyr that doesn’t matter at all anymore.

great :roll_eyes:


The Jailor is giving her a lot more according to Danuser in Blizzcon, so yea she has basically “as the plot demands”