How many Val'kyr does Sylvanas have left now?

I thought she had plenty of lesser Val’kyr that could make Forsaken.

The only place I have encountered those other Val’kyr was the Andorhal questline and it doesn’t mess well with the other stuff on Sylvanas’ Val’kyr situation.

It makes me think of the statement that the Worgen were all evacuated from Teldrassil first but anyone playing through the Burning or watching a video of the play through knows that isn’t true.

This is likely a case where the quest designers and the story team were not on the same page.

We’re going back to the Shadowlands. When the Val’Kyr took her place - They were taking her place in the Maw; given she’s now allied with the Jailor of the Maw …

How many Val’Kyr does Sylvanas have?
All of them.

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Wrong LK.

They wanted to break free from Bolvar. You know, the guy who wanted to keep the Scourge in check.

Arthas was dead at that point.

Literally doesn’t matter how many she has.

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Exactly. The number of Val’kyr would matter if the writing team or whoever else is calling the shots, stuck to their own rules. But as we know, they don’t, so how many Val’kry left doesn’t matter in the slightest.

If she runs out of them and the Jailor is dead too, but the writers want her to cheat death… well she got Immortality Gemstone from the Cosmic Lord, Infinitus, who she made a deal with before she went to Icecrown.


She’ll get more when Sylvanas goes to Shadowlands.

I guess the question now is less how many Val’kyr does Sylvanas has but how many the do the forsaken have?

The Forsaken most likely have none. The val’kyr were bound to Sylvanas.