How many Val'kyr does Sylvanas have left now?

This is a thought that I have to say is influenced by watching too many lore related videos. But, after the events of Darkshore she loses one. Nathanos makes a token effort to say they need to be protected but Tyrande still manages to kill one. I know that the Val’kyr sacrifice themselves to take Sylvanas’s place in hell any and every time she dies (three times now, right?) so… if she loses all of them does that mean that Sylvanas is gone?

I hope not, purely on the basis that there’s this awesome chance to make Wrath 2.0 and I’d like to take a moment to paint that picture for you. With some of the photo drops that was offered at Blizzcon for 8.2 we see that she’s gotten a hold of Xal’atath and while there are theories and some data mined things about knaifu being a piece of an Old God I wonder if it’s mainly being used as another attempt of Sylvanas securing immortality for herself or if she’s going the Garrosh method for crazy Old God power. Personally, I’m hoping it’s not that latter. I, also, find it unlikely that an Old God would be willing to give Sylvanas aid, being the whole void and undead not being besties. So, to bring you down to my full wall of text… can I bring your attention to Kul’thazad? I mean… I know Nathanos is Sylvanas’ main squeeze, but I feel like as a woman with a lot of power she could take advantage of the moment to build herself a harem. A powerful harem that involves a powerful necromancer that could continue reproduction of the Foresaken once all the winged ladies are gone and with some creative writing save Sylvanas from a permanent get out of hell free card.
Maybe? Feel free to rip my noob butt a new one, I had to share this somewhere before it drove me bonkers and my guildies got tired of me lore mongering.


with the last one killed in darkshore, she only has 3 left.

that means that if she revives, the forsakens would go pretty much extinct,unless she finds something that cure them.
“i smell a fully resurrected sylvanas by some sort of primordial power”.

According to the article on The Nine it’s 3 remaining. One died to rez her at Icecrown, three more in Silverpine, one was slain by the Alliance in Andorhal and one by Tyrande in Darkshore.

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This gives me hope.

I really like the valkyr, they would make a good new playable race. Maybe give more thought to their powers and the rules on revival first…

I assume sylvanas is going to go evil and get killed off by horde heroes with or without losing all her valkyr. I really don’t see any reason she would ally with Kel thu freaking zad tho. That guys directly responsible for the fall of Quel’thalas. I don’t see any reason for burning a tree full of civilians to kill “hope” either though.


There’s this SLIGHT problem of balance. Resurrection powers, built in flight,


also it would be gender locked

Resurrection powers could be balanced as a racial battle rez tied to a shared cooldown so you couldn’t just stack Valkyr for free rezzes like people did with Druids back in the day. As for flight, didn’t they balance a similar ability in worgen by having it drop off when you entered combat? It would be slightly weird from a physical standpoint that their wings randomly stopped working but minor concessions to gameplay happen all the time.

I never understood why people have such a problem with single gender races. Lorewise some of them do make sense.

Like I said, they would have to flush out the rules of their resurrection abilities. Wouldn’t be the first time a race had insane overpowered abilities they never use but they could story balance it to make sense.

Worgen should always move at their mount speed, but they don’t.

Weren’t worgen solely male before cata?

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This is curious to me.

The Big Bad Mada Valkyr, Queen Bee of the pack, sacrificed herself to get her sisters and Sylvanas free. Just 1 Valkyr, after Sylvanas jumped off of Icecrown. Her second death.

In her third death - 3 less powerful Valkyr needed to be sacrificed.

With 1 dead in Andorhal and 1 dead by Tyrande’s hand, that leaves 3.

A curious situation. Depending on the power level of each Valkyr, Sylvanas may only have 1 death left, if it requires 3 of the present Valkyr.


That’s pretty much what it means to me too. Even if the remaining Valkyr aren’t of the same power level she still only has one rez left as you can assume they aren’t on par with their leader who could rez Sylvanas on her own. Say it took two, you’d have one Valkyr who couldn’t perform a rez on her own. Unless she could and what comes back is like the half finished clone from The Sixth Day…

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no, if you go to pyrwood village in vanilla-wrath female humans would turn into a worgen too, there just was no difference between male and female after change, but val’kyr a specifically chosen from women.

Well the male Valajar in the warrior order hall kinda have their own ascended form. They could do the same thing or just make a male model. Or totally retcon that and make them male or female. Druids were only male initially.
Or they could make them only female.

It’ll never happen anyways. They are probably going to throw them away altogether when sylvanas goes.

even when sylvanas dies and uses up her last 3 val’kyr, there is still eyir and her val’kyr who are safe from sylvanas’s pact

They’re gonna turn Sylvanas into a Valkyr and that’s how you get them as a playable race.

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Don’t tease me.

Totally not the same thing tho, they are way more like normal Valkyries and seem kinda neutral about stuff.

Not totally teasing! Well, I don’t think they’ll ever become a playable race but I could totally see them turning Sylvanas into a Valkyr because of her deal with Helya. Whatever it was.

1 BILLION souls. She did it first and better.

Well she better get something after how quickly that lantern broke. She needs a refund. I’d prefer her that way tho, save losing another horde hero to stupidity by having them turn against the horde.

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We dont know what her deal with Helya was for, and it looked like she had her own valkyr. It would be interesting if some of those valkyr survived our raid and found sylvanas much like the ones who served Arthas. I have been wondering about that damn deal since she made it, and we got no payoff. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I would love to have the valkyr as a playable race, I’ve been wanting them for years.

She has 3 left. But in reality, she has as many as blizzard say she has left. The could just wind up and go “Oh these werent actually prime valkyr.” And then just make up reasons why.