How is Survival after today's (1/10/22) hotfix buffs?

Would you be fine with just replacing the existing WFB buff talent with Wildfire cluster, since it’d be slightly less basic a buff, at least?

Personally, I just don’t see WFC as being a more interesting talent, for its location, than Quickdraw would be if polished, since at least Quickdraw offers a unique niche (ST) to its side (almost all AoE) that synergizes (if, unfortunately, just mildly) with Infusions. That, and it seems redundant with IWB. Would rather just have the one or the other (WFC or IWB).

Would gladly take it over Improved Wildfire Bombs, especially since that means siphoning more of a single-target influence towards bombs, but I feel like whatever ends up in that transition area ought to be distinct from what’s provided by Fury of the Eagle – so, predominantly ST, or ramping-count cleave, instead of just direct AoE.

As for making Quickdraw just not suck overall, could have it shoot an Arcane Shot at each bleeding enemy, or each enemy hit by Kill Command in the last 6 seconds?

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I prefer quick draw to be less random and either activate every 3 kill commands or mongoose bites. Something a long those lines.

I also believe it could trigger every wildfire bomb (with an internal cd) instead as this would add more build diversity. This also makes it the most consistent and controlled.


Maybe reduce its strength per proc but make it a 100% chance? That way it’d more obviously synergize with effects which increase KC reset chance?

And/or have each reset KC leave the target Marked for 6 seconds, causing each KC reset to fire an Arcane Shot into them at half strength (instead of full), functioning a bit like a ramping Hailstone sort of niche?

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Lol! Avoid melee with a melee character. This is why the spec doesnt work

You misunderstand. You avoid your opponent’s melee range. SV has extra reach. And it’s significant. If you’re good (I’m not lol) you can use this to great effect.


Yes, I endorse this type of creative skill synergy.

  • Vanilla Survival Hunter.

Yeah and like vanilla SV it should primarily use a ranged weapon.

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Hello, Bepples.

I figured that you’d attempt to entangle me into this lowly debate. News flash: The developers don’t entertain destructive feedback. They are artists after all.

It is unfortunate that the 2009-2015 era imprinted itself so strongly upon you, much like the Vanilla/TBC-era did for me, only to have the rug pulled from under you in Legion. It comes with the territory.

I’m calling for you to accept it, much like I had to.

However, if you seek an education, I’d be happy to oblige. :smiley:


I played since Vanilla. SV always primarily used a ranged weapon.

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Really enjoy SV, actually the most fun spec to play right now in my opinion. I always imagined the hunter archetype similiar or nearly identical to the ranger in other games so im fine with it being a melee spec since rangers use bow/melee.

I understand that people are still mad about ranged survival and they are free to express their opinions about it if they wish. I personally love survival and hope it stays melee for the foreseeable future, it actually feels engaging in AoE unlike the other two specs, dont get me wrong I also love playing MM but SV holds a special place for me.


Very well. What was your Hunter spec at the time? 0/0/0. Did you use a Weapon-Chain? These are mere curiosities before we proceed.

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I played mainly BM at the time.

Before we proceed, what did Agility give per point in classic?

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Ooo I bet that page of the handbook says!


And when did your tenure with SV begin?

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I will put you on ignore if you keep posting one-liners without arguments as replies.

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I played SV since legion, which has been exclusively melee.

Now what?


Before we proceed, what weapon do SVs use right now and for the last… 6 years?


We have to wait until they land the plane to find out.

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I will put you on ignore if you keep posting one-liners without arguments as replies.


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