I don’t make revisionist claims, you simply have an incomplete understanding of the Hunter Class.
I mastered the totality of the Hunter Class. Survival… yes, but including Marksmanship, where I dutifully followed Readiness into MM when they gutted SV to make room for your little candied dot-proc RSV–the functionality of Readiness reintroduced after its removal into Double Tap, Double Tap an innovation we Survival Hunters invented over half a decade earlier.
We original Survival Hunters were the first to reset our offensive cooldowns and dps abilities to obliterate our opponents with heavy suppressive fire.
Rapid Fire - Aimed Shot - Arcane - Multi - Readiness - Multi - Aimed/Arcane
Double Multi-Shot gave the highest DPS.
Nothing could survive this oppressive volley of instant-cast artillery. This was the first iteration of Double Tap, it’s power time-gated behind a 5-minute cooldown, the functionality of which was later reintroduced and normalized into a core 1-minute rotational element years later.
I also mastered several BM Hybrid builds but could never quite cope with the limited functionality offered by the tree. Too much of the talent tree’s power was concentrated into BW/TBW, which felt constraining and more of a hinderance in combat, but it had several key advantages when hybridized with SV.
Guilty as charged. I will add that in all of our exchanges over the last three months, I only reported 3 posts that were laced with putrid, venomous bile and erroneous self-promotion.
My first impression of you: While I was lurking here back in December, I thought that ‘Bepples’ was a bit rough around the edges, yet occasionally funny. I was actually somewhat neutral and indifferent to you.
Then I made my first post in 15 years back in January. It was about how I thought the Tar Trap–Flare interaction was brilliant, and I added a small disclaimer that I played SV in Vanilla for perspective’s sake. ‘Bepples’ immediately latched onto the post stating how “SV was ranged even in vanilla”, etc and I’m like… really? Still, I remained neutral throughout our engagements and never flagged or reported you for the harassment until recently. In total, out of hundreds of posts, I’ve flagged maybe 3 of yours.
My skin is thick, and I could honestly care less about reporting you. But honestly, the immature harassment and general petulance needs to stop.
Edit: For future reference, here’s the thread in question.
Which is the very definition of Trolling.