How come game breaking bugs/progressing preventingbugs aren't a top priority?

Expansions been out for 2 weeks now and there is a bug on one quest in the MSQ preventing some players from completing it and there has been no work around given. GMs are unwilling or unable to skip past the quest and despite 2weeks of the expansion being live there is no fix. If a quest is this bugged maybe the devs should think outside the box. Just delete the quest or allow a skip for it for those who are unable to do it. Preventing people from playing the story is really not cool.

My friend hasn’t been able to unlock earthen because of this bug.

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Some bugs are easier to fix and what may seem like a magor bug mite be affecting a small ammount of players alot of people are able to get teh earthen race.

Gms cant fix bugs or complete a quest unless given direct permission by the developers its not a matter of unwilling its what they are allowed and not allowed thats set in stone by the developers.


it doesn’t matter if only 1 person has this issue. if that’s the case a gm should have the ability to let them skip the quest. Especially if they prove the bug and prove they tried multiple work arounds.

Didn’t used to be. But hey if the devs are unable to fix the bug maybe they should give the gms permission? So my friend can get earthen.

This isn’t about “most people” this is about even one person being prevented from gaining access to a game feature from a bug.

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Absolutely always been.

If the devs give the GM’s permission and instruction, then the GM’s can assist

If, the GM’s can’t. Ultimately it’s up the devs.

Not every bug issue has a work around, which doesn’t help.


Skipping quests sounds easy on paper but in reality its not so simple skipping quests can break things. You can assume what u want but just because there doesnt seem to be any work on a bug that its not being worked on there are far bigger bugs that mite have a higher priority then 1 quest thats not a big game breaker and this isnt a huge game breaker.


So suggest it - via in-game feedback or posting in the general forum. That way the suggestion will be seen by QA, devs and/or community managers.

Sorry but this is a very pointless, ignorant statement to be honest.

A player not being able to play at all, for one.


Guild banks the ah as well.


What you don’t realize is that this was accomplished after the very process you’re advocating they do away with.

Devs determined that giving GMs that power wasn’t going to break things after numerous checks and tests.

The game was also much, much smaller way back then. Less opportunity for stuff to break in an irreparable way than there is today.


Some quests GMs CAN bypass. But it’s only limited to a small handful and there would be a support article directing users to make a ticket.

You never mentioned what the quest was. It must not be overly widespread since I and many others have unlocked earthen.
Have they looked at the WoWhead comments for the quest in question to see if a work around was listed there?

Has your friend made a bug report by making an in-game one or posting on the forums? If not, have them do that. The more data points Blizzard has to collect data from, the quicker a resolution could be. Your friend would ideally need to make the report so they can get the appropriate account info.


They’re likely referring to the Factory Recon quest.

It hasn’t been confirmed a bug to my knowledge, probably because of how small a pocket of the player base it affects.

A member in my guild does claim to be stalled by it as well though I have yet to see an exhaustive list of things they’ve attempted to rectify it. They got a little desperate and went the wrong way about getting it recognized by a GM but I’m not sure if they’ve yet followed the GMs recommendation.



They have tried deleting and reaccuring the quest. They have tried relogging. All add ons off. They tried logging into a seperate computer.

Literally the only recommendation they haven’t done try progressing the story on an alternative character.

I don’t remember the name of the quest because it’s not my bug but I remember is chapter 4 of the post levelling msq.

That is because GM’s are limited to what actions they can do, and yes, GM’s can’t fix bugs. They are not development. Bugs need to be reported to the bug report forums or the in-game bug report option, so then the QA team can look into those bugs and forward the confirmed bugs to the development.


they have been even if it didn’t come up in beta they’ve had 2 weeks

gms can’t fix bugs but they can’t flag a quest as complete for you.

ONLY if the devs have given them the go ahead to do so.

What may have happened in the past changes often.

A whole 2 weeks? Cool!

I’m not sure if you understand how complex this game is behind the scenes. Millions upon millions of lines of code, complex systems, all sitting on an equally complex IT structure.

Finding the cause of a bug takes time.

Finding a solution without breaking anyone else takes time.


And how many man hours does this bug take to verify, code, and playtest before it goes live?

Without knowing the answer to that question, your claim that this isn’t a top priority is made without a basis in reality.


We’ve found in the past where GM skipped quests came back to because problems, taking more development time to ultimately fix. So no, skipping quests isn’t always the go-to.

I don’t see a bug report post on this character, I’d recommend being detailed in naming the quest, and what issue is holding it up.

An example

Note there’s a few players with suggestions on how to proceed. I thought I saw posts where players were able to recruit Earthen, so I should hope they worked around it.

Someone noted changing the scheme for their ROG touch device, I know also issues with certain devices were being worked on by development also.

Bugs are worked on. Hotfixes, patches and hardware upgrades are ongoing. Have patience.


And the devs should do that if they haven’t been able to fix a bug preventing a feature from being unlocked after 2 weeks.

Just to ask; is the issue they don’t see the quest marker on the map by chance? If so, the quest is there if you go back to the quest giver where they left off.

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They have tried every single one of those “solutions”

No. The issue is they can’t pilot a mech or some such.

I don’t think you fully understand the risk. At what extent are you happy to accept for the devs to allow Game Masters to make a quest skippable? To the point more problems can happen, wasting more of development time having to fix those problems that could’ve been avoided?

Like, seriously, if you encounter a bug, report it. SFA’s won’t do anything here except telling you on where to report the bugs, GM’s won’t skip the quest for you, not unless the development says it is alright, and that is assuming the risk would be minimal as well for them to say it is alright.