Hotfix for Dungeon XP

i think thats why blizzard barely answer to anyone in these forums… look at all these spoiled whiny little brads… it’s disgusting… i feel like a virgin just looking at you…

The rest of the world got hit with a slap while we got hit by a sledgehammer by comparison. The above x2 or longer times to kill mythic nythendra is just the icying on this sour cake thats the squish, in addition to weaking, the point of the squish is to lower the numbers while keeping powers around the same, what should have happened. What happened instead is that bosses kept bigger numbers of hp and damage while we got way lower and weaker, and legacy buff tuning still doesnt bring us to the same level where we could kill bosses without issues on 8.3 with no corruption.

There is also the fact that we pretty much got lied by Ion on his post. If i can’t solo something i could solo before with no corruption, then the Twitter post is not correct, thus its a lie.


I am losing enthusiasm everyday to actually log in and play.

Seems like the more they try to fix things the more fun they ruin.

That’s just gross hyperbole with no actual factual basis.


The thread you linked so with your screenshots were PRE old content buff.

You lost corruption.

Yes it does. It brought me back to about where I was without corruption just fine.

Mythic Nythendra required 50k DPS to kill before the MC would reset her. That was basically ilvl 445 EP Mythic geared before it was soloable, with some consumables.

So if you can still solo her, guess what, there you are, 8.3 pre-corruption.

Look, I wanted to be helpful and point out the old content buff was added recently for Legion, I’m not here to get :poop: by angry angsty posters. You can stop replying to me, I don’t really care about your soloing. I’m done here. I gave info, and proved it when called a liar.

Go yell at clouds elsewhere.

Here for example my Mythic Hounds of Sargeras kill before prepatch: and I can’t kill them anymore in prepatch on same character…

I don’t have logs for other mythic antorus bosses I soloed before prepatch (Aggramar, Argus the Unmaker) because I decided to log it last moment on last week before prepatch and i’ve already killed them earlier same week and unfortunately didn’t think about enabling logging…

Dude, that’s full on corruption, guy did 161k DPS.

What is it about “PRE-CORRUPTION” do you guys not get ?

want a updated version? here, less than 30 mins ago:

There, its not.tuned.PROPERLY.

Get this through your thick skull.

I still got weaker, still no excuse for it.

You are not, you are defending a lie and being as tone deaf as the devs about the issues in the game.

No where they said we will be back to pre corruption state. They said exactly this: “you will be able to solo same things as you did at level 120”. And this is not the case.

guess it’s back to dancing on sw mailbox for me

You were told you were going back to pre-corruption. You’re there.

Dude, first, stop :poop: on me. I’m not the one that tunes the game. Second, you need to get it through your thick skull that you were promised PRE-CORRUPTION numbers. Not POST-CORRUPTION numbers.

Well skip my posts if you don’t find them helpful. My god, I’m not your punching bag for your anger management issues.

Yes, the state where you don’t do 161k DPS. Why are you linking me Russian Corruption logs ?

Thread muted, stay angry.

Because i’m Russian? And this is my log?

And its still a lie, i posted proof just above you. I tried soloing goroth again in case you were right and they increased legacy buff tuning, but its still screwed.

Or at least admit when you are proven wrong instead of going “LALALALALALA, I DONT HEAR YOU” because you don’t agree with a post.

So in short, you are being tone deaf, defending a lie and acting like a spoiled brat who cannot even try to understand the issue. Go away and good riddance if you actually do.

other way around it is using preformatted text

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Thanks a lot, i dont post often on forums and couldn’t find a proper workaround till you pointed out. I really appreciate the tip

Don’t use logic against this guy. I posted clear proof of how messed it is and he goes “TRALALALALALA, I DONT HEAR YOU” instead of actually listening. And he choose to quit instead of ever admitting he is wrong, so really no point in wasting more energy on a jerk who refuses to understand an objective fact. Its like that idiot who is willing to defend to death that 2+2=5 is true.

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In open world BFA content my alts, who had void ritual rank 1 on bracers or something similar because I never leveled their cloaks, are struggling compared to 8.3
Things I could 1-2 shot take several hits. The quests to kill random named mobs take 5X longer.
One of my alts was unable to solo Umbra’ix, a rare elite world quest mob after 9.0, but was easily able to kill it in 8.3. I started grouping after that to avoid further deaths on other alts.
Doing a big pull of mobs in Zuldazar on one of my DK alts almost got me killed. In 8.3 my only problem was running out of things to pull.

The scaling is broken, players got squished far more than enemies did in every part of the game.


LVL 60 LOCK so that means Beta.

Can they nerf the Island Expeditions next please…especially Heroic Islands.

To be pendantic, they said you could solo at 50; they didn’t say “in the exact same gear.” Go get BiS and try again :stuck_out_tongue:

@Alenthil you are a virgin.

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