Hotfix for Dungeon XP

But I was in BiS and still in BiS…

I’ll take your word for it, lvl 100 alt

Dunno why they keep trying to make leveling “meaningful” when scaling is a thing.

It is not meaningful, you don’t really get stronger, because all challenge is brought to your level. And the reduction of ilvl gap from 1-50 is so evident that gear upgrades hardly matter, and therefore these don’t matter as well. At this point, leveling is just time gating for endgame content.


I don’t play in US region to begin with. So that alt comment makes no sense.
You can find my character name in the log I linked above or see this see this.

I agree. When I heard Ion say that “If you notice that any content seems to be harder, it’s because you no longer have corruptions”, I instantly saw the red flag go up in my mind. I had been predicting that they would tune old raids harder, even before hearing that on the beta and ptr this had happened.


Off topic question but how many people do you know got Azeroth’s Champion title?

Déjà vu. Reminds me of that xp from dungeons thread a couple years ago.

I know zero such ppl, since it requires PvP essence and ppl I know (myself included) don’t participate in that garbage.

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Can you please balance islands to be…you know…not a complete mythic+ difficulty? As of now, being in the best possible gear makes no difference on mythic, you still get melted and actually die 1v1 with elites…

Sadly this is nothing new:

As i posted above, it proved they basically lied. Because what they said VS what happened doesn’t match at all. Its like the WC3 reforged nonsense all over again with devs saying some features are in development, even though how the hell do you get something in development if it existed in the original game since day one and you just removed them?

To add insult to the injury is that certain people are willing to defend a lie in some cases, no matter how blatant it is. Its just frustrating.


Idk I found it sort of fun doing it the first time this season. Wish Blizz cared more about balance than letting casters buy the farm with corruption, would have been fun getting my last essence for the title.

But back to this topic, I don’t know why they are wasting time on this. Like torghast “appears” like they have just decided it is done in development. And since the delay announcement I would have expected more feedback about things.

Not really sure about torgast, I did it only like 2 times on beta when was sent here by some quest. What I really don’t like is The Maw zone. It’s a mess. And disabled mounts make it only worse, much worse. With mounts you at least could have quickly do your stuff here and leave zone, but nope they have to slow you down as much as possible…

Yeah I am not looking forward to that existential content hell. Hated mechagon and they want make the Maw like it. Dreading every second I have to spend in it.

Do you have any freaking idea how complex a game WoW is?

No. No you don’t.

Do you have the slightest idea how many systems your level impacts in WoW?

No. No you don’t.

Do you have any idea how QA testing works?

No. You obviously do not.

So let me give you advice. When you want to tell professionals how they’re doing, and you don’t have any clue what’s going on, just don’t speak.


Only if you give me back the shoulders.

I notice we still have this weird forum issue of characters being 120…

Yeah, got the idea. But despite the complexity, past devs proved capable of doing a much better job of testing compared to current ones, and none actually lied when they said something. It was something you could take at face value.

Yes, many of us do. Its still not a excuse to deliver such a unfinished prepatch in first place, nevermind the fact shadowlands was delayed so there was NO reason to release a prepatch in such a messy state as this, even more so since they did not release anything new with prepatch at all(the SL pre-expac content is not coming until a later date, and the leveling overhaul doesn’t really counts since its just a system update, not actual new content).

We do, we got plenity of idea after the MagdalenaDK and other internal testers post they did. Its basically being ignored and then act surprised if something doesnt work or is just crap. While devs criticize the community for telling others that some talents are so bad that you do a better job if you pick nothing over picking those particular talents. Or saying nothing to sneak past changes and pretend feedback with undocumented changes is more valuable when in reality, we often have no way to know if something is a bug or a feature. You can’t really expect clear feedback if its not clear about something being intended or not, this is game development 101.

Plenity of us have a clue, you can’t defend lazy and unfinished stuff like this prepatch or the crappy way the devs manage criticism and advice from internal testers. You are the person that should not speak if you fail to realize the issues of the game and the fact people are tired of incompetency and tone-deaf attitude from current devs.


Did I read that right? They changed the way experience works in dungeons because 5 people were leveling too fast?

queue times are a mess, some enemies and bosses are horribly scaled but dear god a handful of people are leveling slightly faster than intended lets do something about that first can’t let anything upset the time metric.

Queued for wod dungeon nobody died we were all doing well, first boss goes down and tank says man this is soooo slow, everybody agreed and everybody also then agreed to leave and not do anymore dungeons. Questing is currently superior by a country mile. Pugs by the way…