Hotfix for Dungeon XP

I did it specifically 2 times few weeks before prepatch so I can compare how it will be in 9.0. It was easy mode before, I could solo Agrammar and Argus on mythic on my BM hunter. Now it’s a mess and bosses kill me.

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Yes, you are weaker now. I have verified also.

I really doubt you could solo Mythic Aggrammar on a Hunter. The knock back mechanic was never changed.

Like I said, as Unholy, with ilvl 475+ gear, Hounds would kill me if I didn’t have a perfect opener, because it was always close whether I could finish them off before they finished me off. I could only do the 3rd boss as Blood. The stacking debuff would eventually just trash me as Unholy.

That was pulling 80k+ DPS with corruptions.

I think you’re confusing Heroic Anthorus with Mythic Anthorus.

And frankly, “2 times a few weeks before pre-patch” means you’re talking full on Corruption, which is not what they promised. With the old content buff, you’re back to pre-corruption levels of power to do Mythic Anthorus, which means you can probably 2-3 man it and do it easily with 5.

Can’t have these boost communities cut into revenue. /s

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You are failing to realize that Ion said what we could solo without corruption at 120 would still be soloable after prepatch lands on level 50. And that proved to not be the case at all, and you are pretending we are good. Except we are not, im not happy to be killed by something that couldn’t kill me before when i was wearing zero corruption.

Tuned wrong still holds true because mobs got increased HP in compensation so it ultimately means mobs/bosses got stronger while i got weaker. Exactly the worst kind of mistake you can do on a RPG.

As i posted above, if your logic held true, i should be killing in one go mythic Goroth just fine as i did before when i had no corruption, but instead im getting destroyed. So what you are posting is a misguided lie at best, and nothing short of a farce at worst.

No i’m not.

It wasn’t a problem. Pet takes 0 damage from it. The only source of damage on encounter is the dot when adds during intermission reach the boss. Now that dot deals much more damage than before.

And again it’s not about DPS. It’s about loss of survivability…

You are right no reason for us to be comparatively weaker than what we were in 8.2.5. That’s not even including the +30
ilvl increase we had in 8.3 over 455 ilvl cap.

And it’s pretty much back to that with the old content buff in Legion stuff.

Yeah, before they enabled the old content buff. Now it’s enabled.

No, mob HP is lower, not increased.

I don’t remember Mythic Goroth falling easily when I had no corruption. He used to be a bit of a struggle.

Screenshots don’t lie, the old content buff has been turned on, and this was recent.

Yes you are. No way you could solo full Mythic Anthorus even with Corruption. Some of the bosses still had their “group” mechanics.

We aren’t though, I think you guys are misremembering your power levels in 8.2.5. Hounds Mythic could still kill me as Unholy with corruption at ilvl 475, even going through all my cooldowns and shifting to Death Strike to try to heal later in the fight.

That makes sense to me. I hadn’t considered the idea that people would be selling level boosts, but I’m not at all surprised - I think that’s the reason why they made it much harder to solo Normal Freehold and such.

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Fun detected. Fun targeted. Launching anti fun in 3…2…1. You are a go anti fun.

What’s fun about level boosting ? It’s the opposite of fun. You pay someone to carry you through instead of playing the game.


No i’m not. And no where I said I can solo whole Antorus raid on Mythic. I was specifically talking about select bosses, in my case those are Garothi Worldbreaker, Felhounds of Sargeras, Aggramar, Argus the Unmaker.

So that’s why my alts I carried into a dungeon got 0 xp.

damn i missed out again.

Prior to the prepatch, my alts I carried through dungeons, mostly for the quests, got a small amount of xp. Now they get 0. I guess that’s what blizzard considers “lucrative”.

It’s moot anyway, you’re comparing your ability WITH corruption. Blizzard told you you’d be weaker without Corruption and you are. I’m not going to argue all night about whether you could or couldn’t Mythic Aggramar solo.

You have the old content buff now, that’s a fact you can’t deny. It brings you back to around where you should be pre-corruption vs Legion content.

In reality, it wasn’t so bad if you were geared enough for it in most cases with some sort of self heal. My hp would never drop under 50%, and if it did due to little RGN cloak or azerite essence proc and boss still being alive, i would death pact and kill it before i reached 50% hp again, not to mention i could use AMS to pool more runic power and do more damage. Now im getting completely destroyed by him, and you are pretending im back to the same power level i had at 120 with no corruptions…which is not true. Also, My kill times on Mythic Nythendra from Emerald Nightmare are over twice as long compared to 8.3.

Indeed, i posted screenshots that shows we got weaker and its not a lie, but you are claiming it is. Wake the hell up.

so does anything change for normal dungeon queuing?

Of course we got weaker, but so did the rest of the world. That’s kinda what an item level squish does.

Funny how those goalposts move. I said “old content buff is back”, people said “you lie”, I proved it, people say “But we’re weaker”.

Of course we are. But so are the mobs. The mobs aren’t level 110+ anymore, they’re level 45+.

No, this was for people who were 2-3 manning dungeons with twinks to level boost.

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