Old raids no longer soloable

Because…he is? He explicit said he would be able to still solo what we could at 120, and its not the case. If there is something a RPG or MMO should NEVER do, is to make players much weaker because of a patch. Previous squishes at least, once it was more or less sorted, kept us sort of close to the former way we were and just reduced numbers. This squish borked player power so much its not even funny.

That might be true from a very weird stand point, because mobs hp got buffed much more. Its not a “damage output relatively unchanged” if im taking longer to kill most stuff compared to before, Isles being a particulary bad offender, but almost everything touched by squish suffers from this. Hell, a poster above said his former level 80 warrior cannot solo level 60 stuff as they scaled it to be on par with level 80, meaning he got weaker and mobs got stronger. Thats the whole damn point of the topic.

In other words, my above point is still true then, good we can agree on something. We cannot solo anymore stuff as Ion promised because Legion raid bosses are hitting as hard as BFA ones in some particulary bad cases, with Mythic ursoc,Nighthold, Tomb and even Antorus being mentioned a lot(Hell, i could only solo goroth after i equipped a pair of leech enchants, but afterwards Harj was so overscaled he was 1shotting me really quick and it wasn’t even funny). But “damage output relatively unchanged” is not the case if mobs are made much beefier either, i noticed my kill times are much slower in some cases(like the Island expeditions mentioned above, and others like 8.3 rares). The squish completely increased mob power in both hp and damage while decreased ours, but while legion case is the LESS egregious(around x2 hp they should have), some others are particulary bad. Hell, there is even a BIZARRE scaling in some cases where legion artifacts can be ilvl 80-90 with some artifact traits which allows it to be almost on par with BFA Mythic 0 dungeon loot, while also allowing it to overshadow almost every loot piece from raids before Ny’alotha.

I understand changes to combat and stuff were done, but it still doesn’t justify doing it that way. They need to stick to their word, if we are promised it would be soloable if we could solo at 120 uncorrupted, there is zero reason to lie and not deliver at all. Thats where one of the bigger annoyances of this prepatch lies for a lot of us.

Against almost anything i’ve done, its not the same. Unless you are somehow using stuff that didnt get scaled or got actually increased in power after prepatch, I don’t get how is the case. A guy even posted in mythic antorus dogs solo on another topic via logs how not only his kill times were longer, but his pet actually died and he almost died too, which was never the issue before .

EDIT: Here, i found it

My guess is that you are somehow using stuff not scaled correctly. If i recall right, a item now fixed on nazjatar summoned massively overscaled level 50 elementals that were dealing unsquished damage and 1shotting players even. I can imagine something similar on your side if you are being serious.

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