Horde's existential crisis

It’s irrelevant what their perspective on it is. From the Alliances point of view the Horde just cut and run from the Broken Shore because 'Lol f the blue team." but we know that’s not what happened, just like we know it wasn’t her that started the invasion.
And you’re right, cause that’s the Warchief giving you a direct order thats alot harder to explain away then using the Blight, a Warchief who is looking for any reason to axe you and your people. It’s what happens when you have a dictator position as the head of your government. Warchief is great for when you’re trying to organize a bunch of clans that hate each other to invade the pink skinned peoples crib, not so much for an actual stable government. It’s a miracle Thrall kept stuff relatively in order for three expacs, counting Vanilla.
It’s why it’s different to high king, like how Tyrande could go do what she want and we didn’t get Siege of Stormwind cause someone did something the Blue Warchief didn’t say okay for.

i can tell you why, because writers weren’t stupid enough to think that they could write a good faction war story.


Anyone else a bit disappointed that Genn’s reaction to learning that Jaina worked with Saurfang wasn’t, “Wait, isn’t he in the Stockades?” I guess the Alliance already knows he escaped then.

There goes that bit of internal drama potential.


Saurfang’s competence may have taken a beating in opinion among the playerbase this expansion, but we all still grudgingly acknowledge that he remains the world’s top expert on the current location of Saurfang.


Wow I made quite the typo there. I meant Genn XD

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yep… i was hoping that we were going to see something like that… like at least a dialogue of surprise… anything…
sigh… blizzard loves to disappoint.

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Tyrande might not, given she’s still in Darkshore, doing the actual important work of the expansion. I’m still hoping that blows up in Anduin’s face.

Sigh* i feel torn, on one side i really want to see conflict on the alliance, on the other it would suck they make tyrande evil because of this.

Well… She could be raidbossed, or something of the sort, sure (and it’d probably be the worst decision they could make). But there’s little, if anything, they could do to make her evil. After everything the Horde’s done to her people, and Anduin’s laughably lackluster reaction to their plight, she has justification in spades.

Really, all they could do to make her evil is pull out “lolcorruption” for the billionth time.


Trying to exterminate Orcs and Trolls in Durotar would be evil. I don’t mean simply attacking the city to end the war, I mean trying to wipe them out. A lot of people not really with much say in the war, many having little do with even the War of Thorns.


Ok, as much as I am in the camp that believes Genn ironically did the Horde a solid in stoping Sylvanas, much to my annoyance, the fact of the matter is that Genn had no idea why Sylvanas was in Stormhiem. With the troop numbers and fleet she had she could have easily been moving forces against the Legion. Genn wasn’t aware what Sylvanas was up to till they tracked her to the Village outside Eyir’s temple and figured out what was there from the shields. Literally in the camp right before that village Genn outright says ‘I don’t know why she was here’.

The fact that Genn did a good thing was more coincidental than anything else. He and Rojers were just out for blood because Varian died and Genn and Rojers need very little motivation to go killing forsaken or even horde in general.


Narratively, sure. “Objectively”, sure. But in the eyes of alliance fans and horde fans feeling guilty, Tyrande would be seen as a hero at best, victim at worse.

Which is actually what she was doing with all those forces. They were there to assist the PC in securing the Aegis to use against the Legion. She went after the lantern as a solo mission.

Also, Genn didn’t do a good thing, from a Horde perspective. Sylvanas was trying to solve an existential problem for the Forsaken - how do they survive if they can’t reproduce and they will eventually rot? Per her own internal dialogue “I would have saved them” had not Genn intervened.

What he was doing was a good thing from his perspective and an Alliance perspective. But also genocidal and evil from a Forsaken perspective (certainly from Sylvanas’ PoV).

Which is why I thought that particular sequence of events was faction conflict done right. That really was an example of “morally grey” on both sides.


Yeah from a Horde perspective, I don’t see how Genn stopping Sylvanas was “good”. She would have been able to upgrade pretty much every Forsaken soldier to DK/Nathanos strength. That’s a pretty big boon for our military, not just to fight against the Alliance ofc, but any threat to the faction.


Didn’t they promise us at one point that the Alliance would learn of Saurfang’s escape from a “Horde hero in their midst”? I wonder what happened to that (not that it ever sounded like a great idea, but I was mildly curious what the heck it meant).

Maybe Baine was supposed to mention it to Jaina? But how would Baine know about it??

While typing, I decided to actually look up the reference. Found it here:

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I’m actually laughing at the idea of Genn doing his lines, then at the end being all. Blink blink Wait Saurfang is out?

the boon woulve been only to the forsaken, odyn wouldve been pretty mad and that would been bad for the horde as a whole.

exactly, i was actually hyped for it.
maybe there is a cutscene or something where we can see that someone is at least surprised? anyone?
or they just resolved that conflict behind camera?

like we get at least 2 chances of internal conflict (anduin releasing saurfang and jaina helping baine) but no… always we have to focus in a bigger threat…
SIGH! i am salty.

No, the boon would have been to the entire Horde and thinking Odyn would have done anything is just as speculative as me saying he would’ve actually been impressed with Sylvanas’ gumption to take one of his slaves. This is a dude who was about to give the Aegis to the Legion despite the Legion fighting on his porch.


I’m with Dotzy on this one.