Oh lord I want there to be a big argument in the throne room, then malfurion just calmy approches Anduin, puts a hand on his shoulder, smiles and says. “He threw a great axe into my back.” and just headbutts him.
Now i know you are biased this is BS and you know it, sylvanas only wanted power for herself.
I just told you how it wouldve been bad for the horde because you said you didnt knew how it was a good thing but its obvious now you were just trolling seeing as you immediately jumped to say i was only speculating then went on your own speculating tirade.
Um, I said my speculation about how Odyn would react is just as valid as yours. Not really sure how that’s trolling. Having a nearly indestructible military force that doesn’t need to eat or sleep is certainly worth the risk of pissing Odyn off.
Pissing off someone a raid group could beat doesn’t sound that bad to me.
That is flatly untrue. I posted the lore: her motivation was to save the Forsaken. That’s a fact: we have it from her own internal dialogue (i.e. her private thoughts) in BtS.
And the claim that Odyn would have been upset or done something is speculation. And not really in keeping with how he behaves. He really was about to hand the Aegis over to the Legion if Thorvald had won the “game”.
My point is that i wasnt looking to argue about that.
this was your question, to answer this i only needed to post a plausible reason as of why it was not a good idea, you didnt liked that and shut it down then quickly rationalized an argument why it was in fact a good idea, where as the beginning you were showing ignorance on the topic planting the question you then proceeded to demonstrate you already had a biased opinion about it.
We also have her killing her subjects in BtS. arrows, quiver remember?
Can someone give me a direct quote from the most recent time that expression, Arrows in her quiver, has been used in the story from her perspective?
It wasn’t Sylvanas directly. I think it was Garona that said when Derek was raised:
- Don't act so surprised. We both know the Banshee Queen has always been capable of tactics like these. As she's so fond of saying, they are the arrows in her quiver.
Someone will have to fact check that for me, though. I haven’t done the Horde quests myself.
I’m sure there’s an example of it being used in BtS sometime, but from my memory the last time it was used was during Edge of Night, where she, in her internal monologue, says they arnt just arrows to her anymore.
Yeah, you’re not exactly unbiased here either. But you don’t want to argue about it so this can be the end of our interactions in this thread.
She hasn’t used it since EoN and it’s a pretty dumb point anyway considering it was a phrase she used in life and we know that she dies defending Quel’thalas so it doesn’t have quite the coldness people attribute to it.
Huh, if that’s really the case, I think thats quite the nail in the “Sylvanas cares about nothing” coffin, combined with her talking through the trauma of being dejected by their living family members for those that returned early at the wall.
Yeah, just did a search through BtS and it’s not used there at all. I didn’t think it was but just wanted to be sure.
Huh, that’s honestly really interesting to me, and pretty cool in general. I was sure it was somewhere in the book, cause it feels like it would be in that type of book, but guess not.
That quote doesn’t mean what you seem to think it does in this context.
“Arrows in your quiver” are not things you will kill. They’re things you can use. If they’ve become so useless that you’re killing them, they’re no longer arrows in your quiver.
Ill concede i could have used something else.